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Monday 26 Aug 2024

8:00 am - 9:45 am Plenary Session GREAT NORTHERN

Conference Welcome

Tom Burnham - 13th ICCP ChairGreat Northern

Mon 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Welcome to Minnesota!

Jean Wallace/Michael Beer - Minnesota Department of TransportationGreat Northern

Mon 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Remarks on ISCP

Jake Hiller - ISCP PresidentGreat Northern

Mon 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Remarks from EUPAVE

Luc Rens - EUPAVEGreat Northern

Mon 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Remarks from ASCP

Craig Heidrich - Australian Society for Concrete PavementsGreat Northern

Mon 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Remarks from FHWA

Gina Ahlstrom - Federal Highway AdministrationGreat Northern

Mon 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Summary of 5th Advanced Workshop on Concrete Pavements

Julie Vandenbossche and Lev Khazanovich - University of PittsburghGreat Northern

Mon 8:00 am - 9:45 am

ISCP Honorary Member Inductions - Dr. Anna-Carin Brink and Dr. Rolf Breitenbücher

Jake Hiller - ISCP PresidentGreat Northern

Mon 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Keynote Lecture - Global Perspectives on Decarbonising the Whole Life Cycle of Concrete

Andrew Minson - Global Cement and Concrete AssociationGreat Northern

Andrew is Director of Concrete and Sustainable Construction at the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) where he is responsible for the global net zero delivery strategy, collaboration with multilateral government initiatives such as IEA, OECD, WEF and the UN high level Champions Breakthrough Agenda and developing coalitions to communicate the positive role concrete plays in delivering the UN sustainable development goals. Prior to joining GCCA he was responsible for The Concrete Centre in the UK – a cement and concrete industry funded organisation which worked with the design and construction community on why and how to use concrete for sustainable outcomes. Andrew graduated in Civil Engineering from University of Queensland before completing a DPhil at University of Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. He enjoyed 10 years as an engineer with ARUP based in their London office working on architect led building projects around the world. He is active in the global Institution of Structural Engineers having served on both council and board.
Mon 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Closing, Orientation, and Housekeeping

Tom Burnham - 13th ICCP ChairGreat Northern

Mon 8:00 am - 9:45 am

10:15 am - 12:00 pm Session 1: Lower Carbon GREAT NORTHERN

Moderator: Jason Richins, Utah DOT

Lifecycle Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis of Roller Compacted Concrete, Plain Jointed Concrete, and Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements

Haoran LiGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Li, H.; Levin, J.R.; Azarijafari, H.; Gregory, J.; Kirchain, R.; Mack, J.W.; Zollinger, C.J.; and
Mahdi, M.

ABSTRACT: Transport is the second-largest contributor to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a benchmark for the carbon intensity of the road transportation sector. This assessment should encompass not only the impact of paving materials and road construction practice, but also consider the entire lifecycle of roads, including maintenance schedules and use phase. Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements (RCCPs) have gained popularity in low-traffic roads, expected to offer a similar lifespan and maintenance requirement as jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP). However, they are constructed with different equipment, lower cement content, and different mix proportions, and lack steel reinforcement. Due to the lack of sufficient field data and analytical models, RCCPs’ long-term performance and environmental impact are not well studied, as compared to JPCP and hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavements. In this paper, we conducted life-cycle assessments (LCAs) to evaluate the environmental impact of RCCPs, employing reasonable assumptions. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to quantify the impact of various factors, including joint faulting modeling, enhanced surface smoothness degradation models, and diamond grinding, providing insights into the environmental considerations for each pavement type. We used equivalent designs of JPCP and HMA conducted by AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design as reference points for comparison. Our results reveal that RCCP is a viable, low-global warming potential pavement option when the surface receives appropriate treatment and maintenance. Specifically, RCCP with diamond grinding as an initial surface treatment can significantly reduce total GHG emissions, by up to 50%, in comparison to the HMA design alternative.

Dr. Haoran Li is a postdoctoral associate at the Concrete Sustainability Hub and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT. He received his PhD in civil engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 2023. His research focuses on the application of machine learning to pavement engineering, mechanistic-empirical pavement design and analysis, life cycle assessment, and life cycle cost analysis of pavement.
Mon 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Barriers Limiting Innovation in Concrete Carbon Reduction

Sarah LopezGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Lopez, S.E.; Van Dam, T.J.; Sutter, L.; Hooton, R.D.; and Innis, A.

ABSTRACT: On a unit mass basis, concrete has one of the lowest carbon footprints and embodied energy of all manufactured materials. However, because concrete is humankind’s most widely used material, it is one of the largest single sources of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It was responsible for approximately 0.7% of the total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 and 7% of the total GHG emissions worldwide. The largest contributor to the GHG emissions associated with concrete is the production process of portland cement clinker.
Therefore, reducing the clinker content in concrete is the best near-term method for reducing the carbon footprint of concrete and must occur across the concrete value chain. Numerous technologies exist that could, if implemented, provide immediate reductions in the carbon footprint of cement and concrete, but every concrete product is made differently, using a wide variety of local materials and mixture proportions, and is designed for specific fresh, hardened, and durability properties. Because of this, innovations will need to be tailored for the specific concrete properties and applications. Furthermore, several roadblocks within the industry prevent these technologies from being used, with the overarching roadblock being risk-aversion. Without an acknowledgement of the real and perceived risk to various parties, and development of ways to mitigate and fairly distribute the risk associated with innovation, new materials and methodologies cannot move forward. This paper will discuss the current state of the cement and concrete industries, identify barriers to innovation that limit efforts for meaningful carbon reduction, and describe an action plan to address these barriers.

Sarah Lopez joined NCE in 2018 after completing her Master's degree from the University of Nevada, Reno, which focused on the design, analysis, and materials of pavement structures. She has always had a passion for the outdoors and environmental conservation, and that passion has translated into her work with NCE. Sarah specializes in carbon reduction in pavement materials, identifying and addressing barriers in the cement and concrete industries to the adoption of decarbonization technologies, and working with state and local agencies to facilitate projects using reduced carbon concrete.
Mon 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Examining Effect of Carbon-Enriched Fly Ash on Microstructural Development of Portland-Limestone-Based Cement Mortars

Erin StewartsonGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Stewartson, E. A.; Cooper, M. A.; and Burris, L.E.

ABSTRACT: During the past century, the concrete industry implemented sustainable technologies such as supplementary cementitious materials to decrease concrete’s carbon emissions while improving strength and durability. Carbon enrichment is an emerging technology that seeks to aid in concrete sustainability efforts. During carbon enrichment, fly ash is ground in a carbon-dioxide-pressurized environment, which encourages calcium carbonate (CaCO3) precipitation onto the fly ash particle. Because fly ash reacts with free lime in cementitious systems to form calcium silicate hydrates, the precipitation of CaCO3 onto the particle may have adverse effects on the particle’s reactive properties and the particle’s ability to aid in the densification of concrete microstructure. Furthermore, adding carbon-enriched fly ash with inert CaCO3 precipitates to a portland limestone cement (PLC) mix containing higher limestone content, and less clinker may change the rate at which the concrete microstructure develops due to a combined dilution effect. To better understand the potential issues posed, characterization of carbon-enriched fly ash was conducted, and PLC mortar specimens with carbon-enriched fly ash were prepared. The chemical composition and reactive properties of fly ash after carbon enrichment were determined using various characterization methods such as x-ray diffraction, the ASTM C1897 R3 Method, and thermogravimetric analysis. Early microstructural development of PLC mortar specimens with carbon-enriched fly ash was determined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Similar chemical compositions were detected and quantified for traditional class F fly ash and carbon- enriched class F fly ash. The hypothesized dilution effect from carbon-enriched fly ash was not significant in PLC pastes.

Erin Stewartson is a Civil Engineering Pathways Intern in the Concrete Infrastructure Materials Laboratory at the Federal Highway Administration’s Turner Fairbank Highway Research Center. Prior to her time at FHWA, she earned her Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from The University of Maryland, College Park. She is currently pursuing her Master’s and Ph.D. of Civil Engineering at The Ohio State University while actively contributing to FHWA through her internship. During her prior graduate studies, Erin participated in research funded by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program. The research aimed to investigate the behavior of unconventional supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), providing recommendations for specification revisions to enhance concrete sustainability. At FHWA, Erin investigates the impact of carbon enriched SCMs on concrete durability.
Mon 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Sensitivity of Concrete's Embodied Carbon Emissions to Cement Direct Carbon Intensity and Material Transportation

Michelle CooperGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Cooper, M.A.; and Mukherjee, A.

ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to isolate the relative contributions of cement’s global warming potential (GWP) and the impact of transporting concrete materials on the A1-A3 GWP of a concrete mixture. Environmental product declarations (EPDs) are becoming more commonly used by the cement and concrete industries. EPDs present single point estimates of mid-point indicators, such as GWP, without appropriately indicating the associated uncertainty. However, EPD uncertainty is a concern clearly demonstrated by the General Services Agency (GSA) who published a document associating a fixed amount of error with the estimated GWP of a concrete product. Infrastructure owner agencies are beginning to collect cement and concrete EPDs and using these to inform benchmark mid-point indicator values for their projects. However, the benchmark values typically provide average information and do not address uncertainty, therefore failing to deliver GSA’s expectations. Therefore, this research presents the development and utilization of the spring-and-dashpot model framework. This framework explores the sensitivity of GWP to different cement direct carbon intensity values and materials transportation distances using a field dataset of concrete mixture designs from across the country. This study informs owner agencies of the range in GWP of up to 80 kg of CO2-eq per m3 of concrete and of the changes in GWP that may occur if one of these significant parameters (cement direct carbon intensity or transportation distance) changes.

Michelle Cooper is the Concrete Materials Laboratory Manager at Federal Highway Administration's Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center. In her spare time, she is working on a PhD in concrete sustainability through Michigan Tech. Michelle is conducting research in the areas of concrete sustainability, concrete durability, and cement materials characterizations.
Mon 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

10:15 am - 12:00 pm Session 2: Testing and Instrumentation 1 HIAWATHA

Moderator: Jim Reilman, Indiana DOT

Quantifying Slab Movements in Concrete Pavements Through Magnetic Induction Sensors

Michael WallaceHiawatha

AUTHORS: Wallace, M.G.; and Burnham, T.

ABSTRACT: Quantifying the movements of concrete slabs plays a crucial role in understanding the effects that lead to pavement distresses and failures over time. Measuring slab movements has previously been a difficult task as it requires the successful implementation of sensors embedded within the concrete pavements. Minnesota Department of Transportation pavement researchers adapted a recently developed method which utilizes magnetic induction (MI) sensors to detect subtle movements in pavement slabs with a high degree of accuracy. In 2022, 17 newly paved concrete test cells at the MnROAD facility were instrumented with two MI sensors. One sensor was to measure movement due to traffic loading and the other sensor was to measure movement due to environment factors. They are paired with an advanced data acquisition system. By strategically installing these sensors in the pavement, researchers were able to monitor movements between the slab and the underlying base layer. This paper provides an in-depth analysis on the results provided by these sensors. Despite only a few sensors successfully collecting data, some key findings were identified.

Michael Wallace is a concrete pavement research scientist with the Minnesota Department of Transportation. He has experience in nondestructive testing and monitoring of concrete pavements. He is also heavily involved in the collecting, processing, analyzing, and reporting on data generated as part of pavement research projects, particularly those supporting the National Road Research Alliance; as well as the discovery, development and support of implementation activities related to pavement sensors.
Mon 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Laboratory and Full-Scale Experiment of A Novel Hybrid System to Harvest Energy Through Concrete Pavement

Eric GennesseuxHiawatha

AUTHORS: Gennesseaux, E.; Vizzari, D.; Dumoulin, J.; Chailleux, E.; Lavaud, S.; Manceau, J.L.; and Sedran, T.

ABSTRACT: Havesting energy from the sun through the pavement is a powerful lever to fight against the worldwide energy crisis. Indeed, the pavement surface is daily exposed to the sun light and represents an enormous source of potential harvesting. So far, solutions involving photovoltaic cells placed on the pavement or using a heat-transfer fluid circulating through the structure are studied. Recently, a novel hybrid system is being developed by University Gustave Eiffel combining the two solutions. The structure is made of a porous concrete layer where a heat-transfert fluid is circulating sandwiched between a waterproof structural concrete layer placed below and a photovoltaic layer placed on top. The photovoltaic layer is composed of PV cells protected by a semi-transparent layer designed to support the traffic vehicles, guarantee the skid resistance and enabling the passage of the sun light. At the beginning of the research, the semi-transparent layer and the porous concrete have been optimized in terms of energy harvesting and a laboratory size prototype have been constructed. The present paper deals with the laboratory size prototype energy havesting evaluation giving promising results regarding the potential efficiency of the hybrid system (measured at 67.8%). The paper also presents a full scale prototype of the hybrid system tested in real climatic conditions and shows some first results regarding thermal harvested energy measured around 180 W/m2 in the specific conditions tested.

Eric Gennesseaux is a researcher with a 10 years of experience at Gustave Eiffel University in France, specialized in concrete mix design and innovations for pavement applications. Eric has contributed to the developpement of urban removable pavements and Controlled Low Strength Materials for pavement structures. His research also encompasses concrete rheology, recycling and energy harvesting.
Mon 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Full-Scale Rigid Pavement Traffic Test at the FAA National Airport Pavement Test Facility – Construction Cycle 8

Dan OffenbackerHiawatha

AUTHORS: Brill, D.R.; Offenbacker, D.I.; and Ashtiani, A.Z.

ABSTRACT: In June 2023, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) completed trafficking the final phase of Construction Cycle 8 (CC8) at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF). CC8 was the most complex full-scale pavement test undertaken to date at the NAPTF, and consisted of four distinct experiments: (1) a thin concrete pavement overload test; (2) a concrete-on-rigid pavement overlay test; (3) a joint comparison test; and (4) a slab strength and fatigue (S/F) test. The first three phases were completed in 2016, February 2018 and August 2018 respectively, and results from those phases are discussed elsewhere. Phase 4, the S/F test, was partially completed in 2020, but final completion was delayed due to the COVID-19 emergency. This paper presents Phase 4 test results. Unlike all previous full-scale tests at the NAPTF, CC8 Phase 4 did not involve simulated aircraft wander. Rather, all slabs were loaded on a single wheel track (zero wander) designed to isolate, and thus quantify, the number of vehicle passes needed to propagate an initial bottom-up longitudinal crack to completion. The experimental matrix considered two combinations of slab thickness and concrete strength, and 8 of the 32 slabs were constructed with a triangular notch to initiate the longitudinal crack. The initial test plan called for half the 32 slabs to be tested using a single-wheel (S), and the other half a dual-wheel (D) gear configuration. However, during testing it was found that the D configuration failed to damage the pavement, hence final traffic was changed to the higher-wheel-load S configuration for all slab groups. Ultimately, 30 of 32 slabs exhibited a full-length structural crack. The data obtained will be used to refine the bottom-up crack failure model in the FAA’s thickness design procedure, FAARFIELD. Due to the age of the concrete, the FAA will extract beams from all failed slabs for laboratory strength testing to compare with the original construction data, and may modify the analysis accordingly.

Dan Offenbacker is a Civil Engineer at Airport Technology Research & Development at FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center. Dan joined the FAA in May 2023 as a Program Manager for Airport Pavement Field Instrumentation & Testing. He has worked on a diverse range of projects primarily focused on airport pavement design, airport pavement construction materials, and geotechnical monitoring. He earned his Doctorate in Engineering in 2019 and is a licensed professional engineer in Delaware.
Mon 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Embedded Resistivity Sensor for Concrete Materials and Structures: Vision and Prototype

Nima Kargah-OstadiHiawatha

AUTHORS: Alarab, A.; Vasylevskyi, K.; Kargah-Ostadi, N.; Rajabipour, F.; Kamasani, C.R.; Drach, B.; and Drach, A.

ABSTRACT: The Performance Engineered Mixtures (PEM) approach, standardized in AASHTO R101, calls for evaluation of the concrete Formation Factor (FF) as an indication of ionic transport properties and thus resilience of the materials to ingress of aggressive ions. FF is defined as the ratio of the electrical resistivity of the bulk concrete mixture over the resistivity of the concrete pore solution. The AASHTO TP 119 and AASHTO T 358 standards were developed to measure the concrete bulk resistivity and surface resistivity, respectively. However, there are no standard equipment or test methods for non-destructive measurement of the pore solution resistivity (PSR), and the only available methods involve labor-intensive laboratory extraction of the pore solution. An embedded sensor system for measuring concrete PSR is under development, funded by the USDOT Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). This paper discusses the vision for the devised sensor system, the corresponding test procedure, potential applications in practice, and preliminary test results using the manufactured prototypes. The use of the sensor system in cylindrical concrete samples can improve concrete mix design and construction quality control towards producing concrete materials that are less permeable to aggressive ions, which can corrode steel reinforcement and accelerate deterioration. The sensor can also be embedded inside concrete structures for monitoring changes in chloride content and detection of aggressive ions in a timely manner to preserve and prolong service life.

Dr. Nima Kargah-Ostadi has over fifteen years of experience in transportation infrastructure engineering, asset management, applied statistics, data science, machine learning, and evolutionary computation. He is the VP of R&D at Callentis Consulting Group, and has collaborated with the FHWA and multiple State highway agencies in innovative R&D efforts to improve current practice via integration of the latest proven technologies. He has published over 20 peer-reviewed journal articles, and presented at over 20 conferences, workshops, and webinars. He holds a PhD in Civil Engineering and a Doctoral Minor in Computational Science from Penn State University. He is a registered Professional Engineer and a certified Project Management Professional.
Mon 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

10:15 am - 12:00 pm Session 3: Design SOUTHERN PACIFIC

Moderator: Nat Velasquez, Kansas DOT

Load Transfer and Joint Performance in Whitetopping Pavements: Concrete Overlay

Dhritee Diksha BaroowaSouthern Pacific

AUTHORS: Baroowa, D.D.; and Maitra, S.

ABSTRACT: Concrete Overlay, commonly termed as Whitetopping is an effective means of extending the service life of bituminous pavements that need rehabilitation. Concrete overlays are placed over deteriorated bituminous pavements with lesser thicknesses in the range of 100 to 200 mm. Joints are created by saw-cutting the slab upto a depth of one-third its thickness, with cracks forming beneath the saw cut to establish aggregate interlocked joints. Consequently, the load is transferred through the cracks due to the interlocking action of the aggregate particles. The present study investigates the behaviour of aggregate interlocked joints in Concrete Overlay. A 3-D finite element model of Concrete Overlay has been developed for this purpose, and the influence of several parameters on load transfer is investigated. The present study showed that the subgrade modulus of the existing pavement is inversely related to the load transfer efficiency (LTE) for both interface bonding conditions. It was also observed that the bonding condition is not a critical parameter for the load transfer mechanism of Concrete Overlay. The findings suggest that the LTE across the slab joints increases as the flexural rigidity of the existing bituminous layer increases. The joint-related parameter in this study is considered, which is the ratio of the length of the cracked face to the crack width, and it has a notable impact on load transfer behavior. The higher the ratio of the joint-related parameter the greater the load transfer across the slab joint. Thus, a narrow and rough joint increases the LTE considerably and thus improves the performance of the joint.

Dhritee Diksha Baroowa is currently a Ph.D. research scholar at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, in the Department of Civil Engineering. Her research focuses on the investigation of concrete overlays as a method for rehabilitating existing bituminous pavements, with particular interest in numerical modeling and field investigation through both destructive and non-destructive testing methods. She holds a B.Tech degree in Civil Engineering and an M.Tech degree in Transportation Engineering.
Mon 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Theoretical Comparison of Post Tensioned Concrete And Jointed Plain Concrete for Rigid Airport Pavements

Greg WhiteSouthern Pacific

AUTHOR: White, G.

ABSTRACT: Most rigid airport pavements are designed as jointed plain concrete slabs, typically 4-6 m in dimension and approximately square. Load transfer is provided at the joints, either by dowels or by aggregate interlock. This practice differs to rigid road pavement practice, which makes significant use of reinforced concrete pavements. Post-tensioned concrete is the most common reinforced pavement type and is the most applicable to rigid airport pavements because it enables large slabs with joints located away from the aircraft wheel paths, and a significantly reduced slab thickness. Although the reduced slab thickness has been reported previously, the consequential construction cost savings, reduced embodied carbon and whole of life cycle benefits have not been quantified. This research compared conventional jointed plain concrete and post-tensioned concrete, within the context of a rigid airport parking apron development in Australia. It was concluded that the post-tensioned pavement was 50% the thickness of an equivalent jointed plain concrete pavement, had an estimated construction cost 29% lower than jointed plain concrete, and 32% less embodied carbon than jointed plain concrete. The estimated maintenance costs associated with the post-tensioned pavement were significantly less than for jointed plain pavement, resulting in a 32-34% lower whole of life cost. Despite these significant advantages, the adoption of post-tensioned pavement by airports also requires practical issues to be addressed, such as the location of joints when aircraft parking positions move, the provision of slab penetrations in the significantly larger slabs, and the practical constructability of partial and full depth slab replacements.

Dr Greg White is the Director of the Airport Pavement Research Program at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Following a career as an Airfield Engineering Officer in the Royal Australian Air Force, Greg worked for a number of leading Australian design consultants as a Principal Airport Pavement Engineer and then as the Technical Manager Airports for one of Australia’s leading airport construction and surfacing companies. Greg holds a number of Masters level degrees, as well as a PhD, all earned in the area of pavement materials and engineering.
Mon 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Employing Field Energy Attenuation in Portland Cement Concrete Pavements as a Design Parameter

Carl A. LenngrenSouthern Pacific

AUTHORS: Lenngren, C.A.; Hernandez, M.I.G.; and Salini, R.

ABSTRACT: In recent years the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere has become a source of concerns. According to a report of the European Environment Agency, transportation was responsible for about a quarter of the EU’s total CO2 emissions in 2019, of which 71.7% came from road transportation. EU aims to achieve a 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from transport by 2050. For road traffic the preferred solution now is electric vehicles with rechargeable batteries. Pavement engineers have been looking at improving pavements to reduce rolling resistance as this also reduces emissions. With electric vehicles, there is little gain with the improved pavement, regarding the carbon footprint. However, a likely shortage of energy available is expected for the next ten to twenty years, due to the large increase of electric vehicles. Thus, it is worthwhile improving the pavements for less rolling resistance. The present paper deals with evaluating field data and assessing the energy dissipation in the
different pavement layers and the subgrade. It also deals with the correlation of crack propagation. Hence, a model to predict the pavement life is presented, to support the traditional fatigue life based on stress and strain.

Academic: MSCE U of Washington, Seattle 1985. PhD Royal Institute Stockholm 1990. Adjunct Professor Chalmers, Gothenburg and Lund University. Post-Doc at U of Minnesota when Mn/Road was constructed 1991-1993. Has been working with Pavement Evaluation, Laser Surface Testers, Falling Weight Deflectometers and Pavement Instrumentation for over 40 years.
Mon 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Artificial Neural Networks for Mechanistic-Empirical Concrete Pavement Design: An Efficient Development Approach

Haoran LiSouthern Pacific

AUTHORS: Li, H.; Sen, S.; and Khazanovich, L.

ABSTRACT: The AASHTO Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide offers cost-effective and sustainable design solutions for concrete pavements. However, its implementation is impeded by the intricate computations of pavement structural responses using the Pavement ME software which is time-consuming and computationally expensive. Previous attempts to employ machine learning (ML) models to expedite M-E design, instead, faced challenges in balancing model accuracy and capability when including more design variables. Consequently, existing ML-based models mainly focus on only a small subset of state or local designs. To bridge the gap, this study presents a novel framework designed to enhance the development of surrogate Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models from Pavement ME simulations. The developed models accommodate an extensive array of pavement design variables, ensuring their applicability across a nationwide context. We leveraged a pavement design case study to show its effectiveness. In the context of a sevendimensional inference space, 1,578 simulations were sampled for training the ANN models with desired performance in the Dry Freeze climate region of the United States. Likewise, without any prior knowledge, for the training of the ANN faulting model functioning in a six-dimensional inference space, 1,116 samples were adaptively determined. The developed ANN models exhibited high accuracy in predicting annual fatigue damage and joint faulting increment during the pavement analysis period, enabling the precise estimation of long-term transverse cracking, joint faulting, and International Roughness Index (IRI). The developed surrogate ANN models serve as an efficient alternative to Pavement ME.

Dr. Haoran Li is a postdoctoral associate at the Concrete Sustainability Hub and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT. He received his PhD in civil engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 2023. His research focuses on the application of machine learning to pavement engineering, mechanistic-empirical pavement design and analysis, life cycle assessment, and life cycle cost analysis of pavement.
Mon 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm - 2:45 pm Session 4: Performance Modeling 1 GREAT NORTHERN

Moderator: Jeff Roesler, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Long-Term Performance of CRCP Over OGDL in Illinois

Shafkat Alam-KhanGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Alam-Khan, S.; Espinoza-Luque, A.F.; Smith, K.L.; Smith, K.D.; and Short, M.A.

ABSTRACT: In the 1970s, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) began installing longitudinal edgedrain systems in new concrete pavements and retrofitting longitudinal edgedrains on existing pavements to address pumping and erosion (Reed 1993). In the late 1980s, IDOT investigated the use of drainable pavement systems with open-graded drainage layers (OGDLs) and found they had the potential to substantially improve
concrete pavement performance (Reed 1993). IDOT constructed several early projects with OGDLs beneath jointed concrete pavements, and in 1990 constructed an experimental project on I-39 in LaSalle County to study the practicality, feasibility, and performance of alternative OGDLs as a base for continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) in Illinois. The project featured eight test sections, consisting of a control section with a standard base course and three sections with experimental OGDLs in each direction.
Periodic monitoring of the experimental OGDL sections has occurred since construction,with the latest assessment in 2023. This paper summarizes the features and characteristics of the OGDL sections and presents key findings an

Shafkat Alam-Khan is an Engineering Associate at Applied Pavement Technology, Inc. (APTech). He possesses expertise in transportation infrastructure asset management, unpaved roads management, reliability and risk analysis, mechanistic-empirical (ME) pavement distress analysis, ME pavement design, ME local calibration, pavement deterioration modeling, lifecycle analysis, and geomaterial characterization. Mr. Alam-Khan is proficient in tools such as Pavement ME Design, Calibration Assistance Tool, RStudio, JMPPro, MATLAB, and Tableau. He has authored multiple peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. Mr. Alam-Khan contributes to various technical projects, including pavement and asset management research, roadway preservation and management, transportation asset management plans (TAMPs), and pavement distress data collection. His tasks contribute to improved transparency and accountability of transportation agencies by facilitating informed planning, programming, budgeting, and investment decisions.
Mon 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Small-Scale Accelerated Load Test for Doweled Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement

Charles DonnellyGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Donnelly, C.A.; and Vandenbossche, J.M.

ABSTRACT: Performance of dowel bars in jointed plain concrete pavements (JPCPs) can decrease due to damage accumulation around dowels. This damage is caused by repeated development of high bearing stresses, reducing the joint stiffness. This increases the potential for pumping to occur followed by the progressive development of faulting. The relationship between key design parameters and damage accumulation is not well established. This limits the prediction of long-term dowel performance, especially for alternative dowels. Many agencies are considering the use of alternative dowel bars with a range of diameters and stiffness and therefore need to evaluate the performance of these dowels to justify increased costs. In this study, a novel laboratory test setup was developed to characterize damage development around the dowels caused by repeated vehicle loads. The beam test was designed to replicate the stress state along the dowel present in a fullscale slab loaded adjacent to the transverse joint. A range of key parameters such as dowel diameter, dowel material, pavement thickness, and load magnitude can be tested with a lower cost and effort compared to full-scale slab testing. Beam specimens are subjected to repeated vehicle loads which damage the concrete surrounding the dowel. Deflection measurements made along the surface of the beams are used to quantify the reduction in dowel performance caused by damage around the dowel. This laboratory test will be used to evaluate a range of dowels and will enable an accurate estimation of the long-term performance of dowels. This will be particularly advantageous for agencies interested in implementing alternative dowels for long life paving projects.

Charles is a PhD candidate at the University of Pittsburgh whose research is focused on long-term dowel bar performance in jointed plain concrete pavements. Charles's advisor is Dr. Julie Vandenbossche. Prior to his PhD, Charles earned his BS and MS at Pitt.
Mon 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Dynamic Back-Calculation for Evaluating Structural Degradation of Transverse Joint in Concrete Pavement

Tatsuo NishizawaGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Nishizawa, T.; Terada M.; Yabu, M.; Koyanagawa M.; and Takeuchi, Y.

ABSTRACT: In this study, test sections of a concrete pavement were constructed on a circular accelerated pavement testing (APT) roadway, on which 5.2 million of 49kN equivalent single wheel loads (ESWL) applied. The test pavement has four sections with combinations of presence and absence of steel mesh and hot asphalt mixture interlayer (HMA-IL), and the effects of these devices on joint degradation were investigated. Also, transverse cracks were induced at the middle of the slab to examine performance of pavement slabs after fatigue transverse cracks occur. During the loading test, FWD tests were regularly performed, and structural changes were evaluated with FWD dynamic back-calculation. Joint degradation process was divided into fourteen stages from structurally sound states to severely degraded states with broken dowel bars and a gap underneath the joint. These degradation states were modeled with Dynamic 3DFEM that takes into consideration dynamic nature of FWD impact loading. The back-calculation identifies not only layer moduli but also the degradation stage at a doweled joint of the concrete pavement. The results of the analysis revealed that the amount of steel mesh was insufficient to keep the crack opening tight. After dowel bars did not work, a gap formed and expanded under the slabs, but HMA-IL prevented further expansion of the gap. In spite of those severe degrading conditions, the stress at the slab bottom did not significantly increase and the slabs have kept sound for more than 5 million of ESWLs, which is much longer life span than we expected.

Professor emeritus, National Institute of Technology, Ishikawa College.
Mon 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

The Development of Reconfigured Bond Slip Model Coefficients for CRC Pavement Based on Pull-Out Testing

Myungjin SeongGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Seong, M.; and Zollinger, D.G.

ABSTRACT: The design of Continuously Reinforced Concrete (CRC) pavement consists of modeling the peak bond stress between the reinforcing steel and the concrete, which develops over time as concrete hardens due to induced loading on the reinforcement steel. The peak bond stress reflects resistance to volumetric changes between the steel and concrete as a function of the characteristics of the steel reinforcement and the properties of the concrete. Although bond model parameters have been defined in the literature by many researchers, these parameters have not been well determined. This paper addresses the development of reconfigured bond slip coefficients included in the Reis bond model based on the parameters that reflect peak bond stresses relative to slip between the reinforcement and concrete. The data for the model was developed from laboratoryfabricated pullout specimens that were subjected to cyclic tensile testing at several stress levels. Based on the pullout testing results, the Reis slip coefficients were ultimately validated using field-measured crack spacing and width data. The defined bond model coefficients were the basis for revised crack spacing and crack width determinations applicable to the AASHTOWare Pavement ME (PMED) software.

Myungjin Seong graduated from Texas A&M University with a Ph.D. degree at the Civil Engineering Department and is currently working for Tolunay Wong Engineer as a staff geotechnical engineer. During my Ph.D. he studied the bond slip of the continuously reinforced concrete pavement and re-defined the slip coefficients to develop the new bond model. Hence, he was able to develop the new model that is very closed to the field data.
Mon 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

1:00 pm - 2:45 pm Session 5: Surface Characteristics HIAWATHA

Moderator: Quang Tran, Michigan Technological University

A Practical Approach to Predict the "In-Situ" Noise Absorption of Porous Pavement Materials


AUTHORS: Rudy, A.K.; Dao, D.T.; Alabdallah, S.; and Florescu, E.

ABSTRACT: Noise pollution has been identified as an important issue for public health. The WHO classified noise pollution as the second‐worst environmental cause of illness, behind only ultra‐fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution. Among different transportation means, the road traffic noise is considered as the major cause of harm and discomfort, and the reason behind this is the increasing population growth and rapid urbanization. To reduce the noise, engineers are working on innovation of tires and pavement surface with an aim of eliminating the noise problem at its source.
To investigate the effect of materials on the pavement noise reduction, a research program was conducted that included extensive literature survey on the fundamentals of pavement noise, data collection and modeling. Through out of this work the JCAL (Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Lafarge) empirical model was selected and successfully verified as a good tool for predicting the noise absorption of materials from simple laboratory measurements. Consecutively, the Hamet equation was identified to bridge the JCAL modeled noise absorption coefficient well with the in-situ statistical pass-by noise measurement.

Mon 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Sustainable Concrete Highway Pavement Thickness Design: The Role of Diamond Grinding

James WalkerHiawatha

AUTHORS: Hodgkinson, J.; and Dowsing, B.

ABSTRACT: Since the turn of the century in Australia, for both PCP and CRCP applications, concrete highway pavements have included a key element of sustainability in design and subsequent construction. After the required structural thickness for the base (slab) is determined, an additional 10 mm is added for construction tolerance and a further 10 mm is added for future surface rehabilitation by diamond grinding. There is a cost for the 20 mm, but it is probably the lowest cost 20 mm of concrete that can be provided. With the application of diamond grinding as a surface rehabilitation treatment and typical hard rock aggregates there is a very high probability that no resurfacing materials will be required for 50-60 years after conforming construction. Even after two future rehabilitation grindings using all of the 10 mm, at least the full initial design load carrying capacity of the base is retained without requiring strengthening or overlay. This paper presents the thickness design strategy and detail, and asset management planning to provide a sustainable long term pavement solution for which future surface diamond grinding has a key role.

Mon 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

High Performance Surface Textures for Concrete Pavements Designed According to Requirements

Tim Alte-TeigelerHiawatha

AUTHOR: Alte-Teigeler, T.

ABSTRACT: One of the most important characteristics of pavements from the user’s perspective is the surface texture. Among other points it affects skid resistance, noise emissions, driving comfort, rolling resistance, thus fuel consumption and tire wear. Depending on the kind of pavement, there are different focuses, e. g. noise emission and rolling resistance for high-speed roads or durable skid resistance on industrial pavements. The texture should be optimised for those requirements. Therefore, it is important to approach the surface from a holistic point of view in an innovative way. Today it is normal to apply standardised textures to any pavements. But with the nowadays knowledge it is possible to design textures specifically according to the requirements. That increases the sustainability of traffic pavements by focusing on increased useful life, improving the effects on environmental issues such as GHG or noise emissions or renewing a surface instead of replacing the complete pavement.
For producing the best surface, it is mandatory to know the exact purpose of the pavement. It must be investigated what is the most important characteristic for that purpose to design the appropriate texture. In the next step the designed texture must be applied to the pavement. There are different technologies as for instance micro surfacing, grinding or grooving to achieve this. It is important to know about the advantages and disadvantages of each technique to get the best result. This approach can be used for building a new pavement as well as for rehabilitation of surface textures.

Tim Alte-Teigeler is a civil engineer from Technical University Munich, working for the family owned company Otto Alte-Teigeler which is specialized in road maintenance and surface treatments. He heads the R&D department and is member of several natianol and international commitees.
Mon 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

New Belgian Guidelines for Pattern Imprinted Concrete Pavements

Luc RensHiawatha

AUTHORS: Rens, L.; and Boonen, E.

ABSTRACT: Pattern imprinted or stamped concrete is a decorative type of concrete pavement that is mainly used in private and public spaces but also on traffic islands, truck aprons of roundabouts and sometimes on roads, dedicated bus lanes or tramways. The Belgian standard tender specifications for road construction provide two options: a first one using a color-hardener on the surface and a second one with full depth colored concrete. In addition, printing can be done with plastic molds that can be manipulated by hand, or by a roller to apply the print pattern. Finally, the concrete can be put in place between fixed formworks, or - in exceptional cases - with a slipform paver.

The Belgian Road Research Centre created a new working group in 2022 to improve and update the guidelines for the design and construction of pattern imprinted concrete pavements (PICP). Based on the options mentioned above, different categories of construction solutions are put forward. For each of the categories, the specifications have been discussed regarding:
- description of the specific materials to be used: color-hardener, release agent, surface sealer, etc.
- the concrete mix and its constituents;
- requirements on fresh and hardened concrete;
- construction: compaction – curing – cleaning – surface protection;
- surface characteristics (skid or slip resistance, rolling noise, evenness);
- visual inspection and evaluation.

The new guidelines and updated specifications should lead to a better understanding of the different solutions and best practices by both road authorities and contractors, and are aimed to enhance the quality of PICP in Belgium.

Since 2001, Luc Rens is working as consulting engineer for FEBELCEM, the Federation of the Belgian Cement Industry, and for 15 years he is also managing director of EUPAVE, the European Concrete Paving Association.
Mon 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

1:00 pm - 2:45 pm Session 6: Sustainability and Climate Change SOUTHERN PACIFIC

Moderator: Eric Ferrebee, American Concrete Pavement Association

Sustainability of Ultra-Thin Concrete Pavements in Low Volume Roads

Juan Pablo CovarrubiasSouthern Pacific

AUTHORS: Binder, C.E.; Covarrubias, J.P.; and Del Río, P.

ABSTRACT: Concrete pavements with optimized geometry slabs are designed with an innovative approach that reduces flexural stress in each slab, thereby decreasing damage caused by traffic. The key to this approach is designing pavement joints in a way that ensures no more than one wheel or set of wheels is on a slab at a time. This significantly extends the lifespan of the pavement and allows for a reduction in the required concrete thickness compared to traditional solutions.

An advanced application of this technology is the creation of ultra-thin concrete pavements (U-TCP) composed of optimized geometry slabs, which can be directly placed on highly compacted granular roads due to historical vehicle and machinery traffic. These ultra-thin pavements have a thickness ranging from 8 to 13 cm of fiber-reinforced concrete and do not require a subbase underneath.

Over the years, it has been demonstrated that this solution has a high impact in combating climate change. On one hand, it reduces carbon footprint emissions during construction by requiring a smaller amount of materials compared to other methods. On the other hand, during the pavement's operation, it requires fewer interventions to maintain the road compared to a double asphalt treatment solution. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the reduction in CO2 emission, through the simulation using a carbon emissions calculation program.

Mon 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Development of a Permeable Removable Urban Pavement for a Higher Sustainability

Thierry SedranSouthern Pacific

AUTHORS: Sedran, T.; Gennesseaux, E.; Waligora, J.; Klein, P.; Nguyen, M.L.; Cesbron, J.; Ropert, C.; and Monnier L.

ABSTRACT: In 2008, Eiffel University proposed an original concept of removable urban pavement (RUP) to ensure an easy and fast access to the networks underneath, for maintenance. The concept is based on interlocked precast hexagonal concrete slabs. Eiffel University, in collaboration with Eiffage Infrastructures and Alkern companies, has been developing since 2017 a new type of permeable RUP as this property is becoming more and more necessary in a context of climate change and violent climatic events. The slabs consist of a 4 cm thick porous concrete wearing layer cast wet on wet on a 19 cm thick concrete body, which includes 40% of recycled concrete aggregates. The slabs are laid on an original excavatable and draining cement treated base. The paper describes the concept of permeable RUP, the laboratory design process and its evaluation under a real scale fatigue facility. It concludes by the construction and the follow-up during 2 years of a 200 m2 section constructed in Nantes Metropole in 2022 and submitted to real traffic. The RUP concept is now operational for practitioners and should improve the sustainability of urban roads. In fact, it is expected to have a longer lifespan than classical bituminous urban roads, a good overall balance of CO2 during its lifespan as it simplifies the maintenance operations on the networks underneath and so limits the materials movements and the user inconvenience. Moreover, slabs include recycled aggregates and can be easily reused or recycled. Finally the porous nature of the solution improves safety as it reduces splash spray and ensures a low noise level as well as a good skid resistance.

Thierry Sedran is the head of “Materials for Transportation Infrastructures“ Laboratory in Gustave Eiffel University, Nantes Campus, France. He has been a research engineer at University Gustave Eiffel (formerly Ifsttar, formerly LCPC) in France, since 1998. He is a specialist of concrete mix design and innovative applications  of cement-based materials in pavements. He has been a member of “Pavements “ Piarc committee for 4 cycles.
Mon 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Concrete Repairs on National Road N1-19&20 Klein Rietspruit to Old Potch, South Africa

Anna-Carin BrinkSouthern Pacific

AUTHORS: Hodgson, J.W.; Pickard, K.F.; and Brink, A.C

ABSTRACT: The contract for concrete repairs on National Road N1 Section 19 and Section 20 between Klein Rietspruit and Grasmere, constructed under two separate contracts in the mid- to late 1980’s, commenced in July 2022. The project includes slab replacement, full depth repairs, partial depth repairs as well as the replacement of joint seals. Initial indications during design carried out in 2017 were that the subbase did not provide sufficient support, which caused longitudinal cracks in the middle of the slabs along the slow lane. Allowance was therefore made for the reconstruction of the subbase in these areas. During construction of the current contract, it became obvious that the subbase was still intact and did not require replacement. Further longitudinal cracks that developed when adjacent slabs were removed indicated that a re-assessment of the failure mechanism was required. Another phenomenon was horizontal cracking that developed below sections where transverse cracks located close to transverse joints were found. It was also discovered that tiebars of different diameters were used along the longitudinal joints and that transverse joints were only cut to a depth of between 30 mm and 40 mm; considered shallow for the concrete thickness. The aim of this paper is to summarize the investigation into the failure mechanisms observed while repairing the pavement.

Anna-Carin is a Chartered Engineer with more than 39 years of experience. She has been involved in the design, construction, maintenance and rehabilitation of many road, airport and industrial pavements. Designs have varied from unsealed gravel to heavy-duty freeway and runway pavements. She has been based in Perth, Australia since January 2012 and has been working on projects across various continents. She has a passion for Pavement Engineering and loves to impart the knowledge that she has gained through theoretical and on-site practical experience on diverse projects over various geological, geographical, and climatic regions. She is an internationally recognized pavement specialist and has been a member of the ISCP since 2001, and a Director on the ISCP Board since 2006.
Mon 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

An Overview of the Potential of Concrete Pavements in Turkey to Combat Climate Change

İsmail Özgür YamanSouthern Pacific

AUTHORS: Akbelen, B.; Bulut, I.; and Yaman, I.O.

ABSTRACT: The problem of climate change that we are facing today is mainly attributed due to the accumulated results of the unsustainable development of the last two centuries. Today, it is generally accepted that the produced total energy is consumed almost equally by three major sectors; industrial production, transportation and buildings. According to a report published by the Climate Watch and the World Resources Institute, three-quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions originate from energy use, while emissions from the burning of petrol and diesel from all forms of road transport is 11.9%. Considering these facts, the importance of the road superstructure used in road transport in combating the climate change is quite clear. Turkey is known as one of the world's leading cement producers and despite the lack of crude oil reserves and the vast amount of cement production, flexible pavements, chipseal pavements and hot mix asphalt, are the most preferred pavement type in Turkey's national road network. During the last decade however, concrete road applications have gained a momentum in the local rural road network reaching to about 20,000 km of use. The choice of pavement type, especially on rural roads, is mainly based on the previous experience of the road authority rather than on a technical or economic analysis perspective. On the other hand, the ever-increasing number of flooding incidents and the performance of concrete pavements against flooding also contributed to the selection process. The aim of this article is to look at the potential of concrete roads in Turkey, considering the basic climate change strategies.

Dr. İsmail Özgür Yaman received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the Department of Civil Engineering at METU in 1993 and 1995, and earned his PhD in 2000 at Wayne State University, USA, with his work on the simulation of ultrasonic testing of concrete. He has been continuing his academic activities at METU Department of Civil Engineering since 2003. Dr. Yaman's main research topics include the use of non-destructive testing methods in concrete; developments in cement and concrete technology; concrete road construction technologies.
Mon 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

3:15 pm - 5:00 pm Session 7: Sustainability GREAT NORTHERN

Moderator: Jim Mack, CEMEX

Opportunities for Further Sustainable Practices in Concrete Pavement Design in Australia

George VorobieffGreat Northern

AUTHOR: Vorobieff, G.

ABSTRACT: Sustainable practices are already considered in pavement design decisions for new highways in Australia. Supplementary cementitious binders and clean crushed glass have been permitted in concrete pavement for over a decade. However, accessing these materials has been challenging on large rural projects, especially for a road network on a large continent like Australia. Safety regulations have produced a design and construction culture to eliminate incidents and deaths on construction projects. One of the outcomes of these regulations is the application of a safety-in-design register, and this paper proposes the development and use of a sustainability-in-design register and procedure to document how sustainability has been applied in design and through the life cycle. Reducing pavement thickness to use less cement may not be a prudent option given long-term increases in heavy vehicle legal axle load limits and the need for durable concrete properties to ensure a long pavement life. The impact of climate change will continue to test pavements for resilience. While no tests measure durability and resilience, the type and minimum cementitious content will still be an important element in design. Sustainability in design should incorporate measures to allow pavement preservation and to ensure the pavement meets the design life and beyond.

George started his career as a structural engineer, designing several bridges, buildings, mining structures and floodlighting towers. He then worked in the field of wind engineering, testing scaled buildings in a wind tunnel and full-scale building facades for wind and rain events. In the 1990s, George shifted his professional career towards pavement engineering as it became an emerging specialty. George has had several senior management and leadership roles, such as the Executive Director of the Australian Stabilisation Industry Association, the Construction & Mining Equipment Industry Group, and the Principal Engineer for the pavements, geotechnical and materials technology area with RTA and RMS. Over the last 40 years, George has written numerous conference papers, guides, manuals and specifications to establish best practice industry standards and assist with transferring knowledge among practitioners.
Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Buried Treasure: Uncovering Concrete Pavement for Extended Performance and Enhanced Sustainability

Prashant RamGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Smith, K.; Scofield, L.; and Ram, P.

ABSTRACT: Many agencies employ asphalt overlays as a patterned response to the loss of serviceability in concrete pavements, regardless of the types and extent of deterioration or the structural condition of the pavement. In many cases, the underlying concrete pavement may have been a good candidate for the application of pavement preservation treatments to restore functionality. However, even though a concrete pavement has received an asphalt overlay, there may still be opportunities to implement a concrete pavement preservation solution provided that the overlay was placed for functional reasons and that the underlying concrete pavement is structurally sound and in relatively good condition. This “buried treasure” approach offers a number of benefits, including reduced costs, improved performance and longevity, and reduced environmental impacts. The strategy has been used successfully by a number of state highway agencies throughout the U.S. This paper presents several case studies in which an existing asphalt overlay was removed, and the underlying concrete pavement restored using concrete pavement preservation treatments. These include one of the earliest documented studies, an intermedial project that includes an environmental assessment, and a grouping of more recent projects that document how far the methodology has evolved. A number of lessons learned from these case studies are presented.

Mr. Ram is a Senior Engineer at Applied Pavement Technology, Inc. (APTech) with over 15 years of experience. He also holds a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from Purdue University. He is involved in a range of technical projects, from formal research projects on paving materials, to hands-on pavement evaluation, pavement management, and asset management projects.
Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Life Cycle Assessment of Concrete Overlay Strategies

Dan KingGreat Northern

AUTHORS: King, D.; Ferrebee, E.; and Taylor, P.

ABSTRACT: The development and maturation of concrete overlays in recent decades has provided a useful new pavement rehabilitation option to agencies in the US and around the world. Concrete overlays can be designed for nearly all existing pavement types and conditions and can fulfill both short- and long-term service life objectives. Increasingly, agencies are prioritizing and incorporating sustainability into planning and decision-making processes. For concrete overlays to continue to serve as a useful rehabilitation treatment in the future, it will be necessary to quantify the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of different concrete overlay design strategies. This study identified four representative concrete overlay projects constructed in Iowa between 2009 and 2022 for use as case studies. These projects include concrete on concrete overlays and concrete on asphalt overlays that serve relatively lower and relatively higher traffic levels. Life cycle assessments were performed on each of the case studies, as well as alternative design concepts developed for each project, to determine the sensitivity of life cycle global warming potential of concrete overlays to design life, bonding condition, and traffic level. The results of this analysis can inform agencies how concrete overlays can be used and optimized to improve the sustainability of their roadway network.

Dan King is a research engineer at the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center at Iowa State University, where he directs a number of the center’s technology transfer and education initiatives, as well as in-house research projects on concrete pavement- and materials-related topics. Dan received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is registered as a P.E. in Iowa, and is currently a PhD candidate in Civil Engineering at Iowa State.
Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Pervious (Lean) Concrete for Sustainable Road Pavements: Results of the Belgian Be-Drain Project

Audrey Van der WielenGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Boonen, E.; Oualmakran, M.; Van der Wielen, A.; and Perremans, J.

ABSTRACT: With the effects of climate change, we are increasingly affected by major floods, including in Belgium, and urgent action is needed to increase the infiltration and buffering of rainwater. To this effect, pervious lean concrete has been known and applied in Belgium for a long time as a base layer material, especially for block paving. However, there is still a need for a more representative compaction method in the laboratory, for the certification of these mixtures for base layers. On the other hand, due to the need for more integrated stormwater management, there has also been a recent increase in interest and demand for water permeable pavements, including cast-in-place pervious concrete. However, there are currently no technical guidelines or any performance requirements in the Belgian road sector for the use of pervious concrete in road pavements. Therefore, in order to address both issues, the Belgian Road Research Centre conducted a national pre-normative research, called Be-Drain, in collaboration with the national cement research center CRIC-OCCN. The main objectives of the Be-Drain project were to provide:
1) Technical guidelines, performance requirements and adapted test methods for pervious (draining) concrete mixes as a function of application (top or base layer), compaction methods and functional requirements (e.g. freeze-thaw resistance);
2) Recommendations for Belgian standard tender specifications and possible normalization.
In this paper, we aim to summarize the main findings of the Belgian Be-Drain project with a view to further develop pervious (lean) concrete as a promising solution for sustainable water management in urban areas.

After obtaining a Master’s degree in civil engineering and completing a PhD thesis at the University of Liège (Belgium), Audrey Van der Wielen joined the Belgian Road Research Centre in 2014. She works there as a senior researcher and is involved in various projects in the fields of geotechnics, concrete, road design and non-destructive auscultation.
Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

3:15 pm - 5:00 pm Session 8: Testing and Instrumentation 2 HIAWATHA

Moderator: Ben Worel, Minnesota DOT

Effect of Freeze Thaw And Substrate Moisture Condition on the Concrete Repair-Substrate Interface

Md Hasibul Hasan RahatHiawatha

AUTHORS: Rahat, M.H.H.; Annand, D.M.; and Brand, A.S.

ABSTRACT: The impact of moisture conditions on the overlay transition zone (OTZ) in cement-based concrete pavement repairs was investigated in this study. The OTZ plays a crucial role in bond formation between the repair material and substrate, similar to the interfacial transition zone in concrete. The mechanical properties, fracture properties, and chloride diffusion characteristics of the OTZ were examined and also the effect of freeze/thaw (F-T) cycling were explored, which is a common environmental condition experienced by concrete pavements. A novel technique, transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM), was used to quantify the time-dependent chloride diffusion coefficient within the OTZ before and after F-T cycles. The findings reveal that, while moisture levels do not appear to directly impact F-T damage resistance in mechanical tests, the moisture conditions significantly influence fracture properties. For instance, the average peak load reductions were 65% and 81% for repair specimens prepared against substrates at saturated surface dry (SSD) and oven dry conditions, respectively. Additionally, the TXM results show that the OTZ interface has a higher diffusion coefficient – upwards of nine orders of magnitude higher – than the concrete substrate. Between the substrate moisture conditions, the SSD specimens showed better performance against diffusion than the Sub-SSD. In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the complex relationship between moisture conditions, F-T cycling, and fracture properties of OTZ in concrete pavement repairs. These findings contribute to a more informed approach to pavement repair practices with potential implications for enhancing the longevity and performance of repaired concrete pavements.

MD. Hasibul Hasan Rahat is a PhD candidate in Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech, specializing in the durability properties of concrete, particularly in arctic environments. Rahat's research interests focus on sustainable construction materials and advanced materials characterization techniques.
Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Automated 3D Quantification of Concrete Pavement Joint Damage

Quang TranHiawatha

AUTHORS: Tran, Q.; and Roesler, J.R.

ABSTRACT: Raveling and spalling, also called joint damage, can negatively impact the safety and long-term performance of concrete pavements. Assessing and quantifying the joint damage can improve construction joint quality and allow for timely joint maintenance. An automated 3D joint damage quantification algorithm (3D-DQA) is proposed, which acquires joint images with a smartphone camera and then combines computer visionbased technique (CV) and deep learning (DL) segmentation. For a series of 2D images acquired from a joint, the trained DL model first detects and then color-masks the concrete joint damage. Next, the CV technique is applied to the 2D images to build a 3D image of the damaged joint. A data-driven color thresholding criterion is integrated into the 3D-DQA to quantify the surface area of the damage. The effectiveness of the 3DDQA was tested by assessing joint damage on contraction joints located on four slab on grade projects. The field validation results show the 3D-DQA framework achieves a damage quantification accuracy of 76% with an error of 10%.

Dr. Quang Tran is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering at Michigan Technological University. He earned his PhD degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prior to joining MTU, Dr. Tran dedicated three years to postdoctoral research, contributing his expertise to prestigious institutions including Harvard Medical School, Harvard affiliated hospitals, and the Bioacoustics Research Lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research pursuits have spanned diverse disciplines, encompassing material characterization, nondestructive evaluation (NDE), and advanced sensing technologies, which find applications in civil and environmental engineering as well as biomedical challenges. Dr. Tran's contributions to the scientific community are evident through his authorship and co-authorship of over 30 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. Additionally, he participates as a member of prominent organizations such as the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

In-Situ Performance Evaluation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Dowel Bars

Mehdi ParviniHiawatha

AUTHOR: Parvini, M.

ABSTRACT: Dowel bars have an important role in the performance and longevity of a Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP) by providing a load transfer system at concrete joints. However, the commonly used epoxy-coated bars are susceptible to corrosion due to manufacturing and handling imperfections. To address this problem stainless steel dowels are often used in corrosive environments. A more economical and non-corroding material for dowel bars is Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP), but the lack of extensive field performance data coupled with the absence of a nationally recognized test method has limited the wide application of this cost-effective alternative. To monitor and evaluate the mechanical strength of GFRP dowels under heavy truck traffic a field experimental plan was prepared and a pilot project was built on the departure lane of a Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) station on Route 37 in Sonoma County, Bay Area. To allow side-by-side comparison, the experiment included control epoxy-coated steel and GFRP dowels with different spacing. The mechanical and bonding performance of the GFRP dowels were evaluated by visual inspection, cores, and load transfer efficiency measurement using a Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD). The four-year evaluation results suggest that GFRP dowels could be effectively used to provide a robust joint load transfer system for long-life concrete pavements. It is the goal of the Department to use the result of this experiment to add this material as an alternative to stainless steel in the concrete pavement specification.

Mehdi Parvini has been with the California Department of Transportation for about 25 years. He is currently managing the Materials and Pavement Office and is responsible for all the pavement projects in the Bay Area. He did his graduate studies and worked for several years in Ontario, Canada before moving to the US.
Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Field Moisture Monitoring of Foundation Layers of Innovative Rigid Pavement Systems

Ceren AydinHiawatha

AUTHORS: Aydin, C.; Velasquez, R.; and Izevbekhai, B.

ABSTRACT: The structural capacity of pavement systems is highly influenced by the performance of the geomaterials which play a crucial role as supportive foundation layers. The behavior of geomaterials is one of the key parameters affecting the overall stability and service life of pavements. Geomaterials within the foundation layers are designed to remain unsaturated for most of their service life. However, it is a well-known fact that phreatic surface variation, heavy rainfall as a result of climate change, and freeze-thaw cycles cause continuous cycles of soil moisture fluctuations. These changes have a significant impact on the foundation layers, leading to altered behavior and performance. Therefore, the capability of accurately monitoring foundation moisture levels and linking them to the overall performance of pavement systems is of utmost importance to understanding possible failure mechanisms considering the growing significance of asset management. Moisture monitoring tools such as volumetric water content (θ) and matric suction (ψ) sensors are commonly used to observe moisture changes within the foundation during the service life of pavement systems. In this study, moisture (θ and ψ) and temperature data of the foundation layers were collected from an innovative rigid pavement test section constructed in 2022 at the MnROAD facility. As a result of the preliminary analyses, the moisture trends were investigated alongside the field soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) and soil freezing characteristic curve (SFCC). It was observed that both sensors yielded comparable results after a full freezing-thawing season as a result of the successful application of innovative installation techniques.

Ceren Aydin earned her PhD from Michigan State University and currently holds a geomechanics research engineer position at Minnesota DOT. Her focus areas include the mechanical characterization of geomaterials, moisture monitoring, freeze-thaw, advanced geotechnical modeling, digital twin and the analysis of pavement foundation layers and rigid pavements.
Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

3:15 pm - 5:00 pm Student Poster Session CONSERVATORY

1 - Parameters for Thin FRC Concrete Pavements

Etienne Beya Nkongolo - University of Missouri-Kansas CityConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

2 - Performance Engineered Mixtures for Concrete Airfield Pavements

Isaac Oyawoye - UNC CharlotteConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

3 - Feasibility of Manufactured Sand in Engineered Cementitious Composites for Rigid Pavement

Chintada Chandrasekhar - IIT RoorkeeConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

4 - Assessment of thermochromic and reflective UHI mitigation strategies for concrete pavements

Richa Bhardwaj - University of Illinois at Urbana ChampaignConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

5 - Joint Design Optimization

Megan Darnell - University of PittsburghConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

6 - Assessing Slab-Base Bond with MIRA (Ultrasonic phase array)

Jesus Castro Perez - University of Illinois at Urbana ChampaignConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

7 - Field Evaluation of Nontraditional and Natural Pozzolans (NPs) in Concrete for Pavement Applications

Alberto Castillo - Purdue UniversityConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

8 - Improving Pavement Sustainability and Resilience: A Pavement Life Cycle Cost Analysis Case Study

Matthew Sheffield - UNC CharlotteConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

9 - Evaluation of Steel Depths on the Performance of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement

HeeJun Lee - Texas Tech UniversityConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

10 - Evaluating Expertise of Concrete Pavement Construction in Modern Large Language Models

Mason Smetana - University of PittsburghConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

11 - Relationship Between Transverse Joint Faulting and Joint Performance Parameters for Thin FRC Concrete Pavements

Rohith Sabu - University of Minnesota - DuluthConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

12 - Enhancing Safety in Construction Work Zones Through Concrete Pavement-Embedded Passive Sensing Technologies

Apidej Sakulneya - University of Illinois at Urbana ChampaignConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

13 - ChatGPT Biases Toward Asphalt Pavements

Igor Sukharev - University of PittsburghConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

14 - Utilizing Non-Standard Aggregates in Concrete Pavement

Makorogo Barugahare - University of AlabamaConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

15 - Early Performance Evaluation of CRCP Bonded Overlay on JCPs

Niwesh Koirala - Texas Tech UniversityConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

16 - Synergistic Effects of Freeze/Thaw Cycles and Seawater on Chloride Ingress in Concrete

Md Hasibul Hasan Rahat - Virginia TechConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

17 - Mechanistic-Based RCC Pavement Mix Design Framework

Jordan Ouellet - University of Illinois at Urbana ChampaignConservatory

Mon 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Tuesday 27 Aug 2024

8:00 am - 12:00 pm Workshop 1: Rapid Strength Concrete for Highways and Airport Pavements (Sponsored by CTS)

8:00 AM  Welcome and Overview

Julio Paniagua (CTS Cement Manufacturing Corporation)Great Northern

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:15 AM  Introduction to Materials used for RSC Pavement

Eric Bescher (University of California Los Angeles – UCLA)Great Northern

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:45 AM  Design, Construction Practices and Specifications

Matt Ross (CTS Cement Manufacturing Corporation)Great Northern

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

9:15 AM  DOT Applications

Dulce Rufino Feldman (California Department of Transportation – Caltrans)Great Northern

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

9:45 AM  Break (30 min)

Great Northern

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

10:15 AM Research Case Study, Heavy Vehicle Simulator Testing of Thin Concrete Overlay on Asphalt Made with Belitic Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement

Angel Mateos (University of California Berkeley)Great Northern

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

10:45 AM Large-Scale Field Project using Ready Mix Concrete Production

Julio Paniagua (CTS Cement Manufacturing Corporation)Great Northern

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

11:15 AM Airport Applications

Christopher Senseney (University of Colorado Boulder)Great Northern

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

11:45 AM Round Table: Discussion on Challenges and Opportunities for RSC Technology

Moderator: Eric Bescher, (University of California Los Angeles – UCLA)Great Northern

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:00 am - 12:00 pm Workshop 2: Advancements in Optimized Concrete Pavement Design (Sponsored by FORTA)

8:00 AM  Welcome and Overview

Moderator: Sherry Sullivan (FORTA)Southern Pacific

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:15 AM  The Evolution of Concrete Pavement Design

Eric Ferrebee (ACPA)Southern Pacific

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:45 AM  Pavement Designer, Web-based Pavement Design Software

Eric Ferrebee (ACPA)Southern Pacific

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

9:00 AM  Calibrating Pavement ME for High-Reliability Design Using Management Data

Lev Khazanovich (University of Pittsburgh)Southern Pacific

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

9:30 AM  PittRIGID, Web-based ME Design of Concrete Pavements

Lev Khazanovich (University of Pittsburgh)Southern Pacific

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

9:45 AM  Break (30 min)

Southern Pacific

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

10:15 AM Overview of Short-Slab Concrete Pavements

Juan Pablo Covarrubias (TCPavements)Southern Pacific

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

10:45 AM OptiPave, ME Design for Short-Slab Concrete Pavements

Juan Pablo Covarrubias (TCPavements)Southern Pacific

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

11:00 AM Accelerated Performance Testing of Short-Slab Concrete Pavement Systems

Jeff Roesler (University of Illinois)Southern Pacific

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

11:30 AM Panel Discussion – The Future of Concrete Pavement Design

All SpeakersSouthern Pacific

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:00 am - 12:00 pm Workshop 3: Sustainability and Performance can Coexist: Low Embodied Carbon Concrete Pavements Leading the Way (Sponsored by FHWA)

8:00 AM Overview of Guide for Reducing Cradle-to-Gate Embodied Carbon Emissions Paving Concrete and applications to concrete specification and mixture design development


Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

9:45 AM Break (15 min)


Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

10:00 AM A Partnership Approach: A panel discussion from practitioners


Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

11:00 AM Working Session


Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

12:00 PM Adjourn


Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:00 am - 12:00 pm Workshop 4: Impact of NRRA on Advancing Concrete Pavement Technology (Sponsored by NRRA)

8:00 AM  Development of NRRA

Ben Worel (MnDOT)Hiawatha

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:15 AM  History of NRRA Rigid Team Research Projects


Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:45 AM  MnROAD facility operations and role in NRRA projects

Tom Burnham (MnDOT)Hiawatha

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

9:00 AM  Highlights from Low Cementitious Content Concrete Pavement Research Projects

Bernard Izevbekhai (MnDOT)Hiawatha

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

9:30 AM  Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Pavement Research

Manik Barman (University of Minnesota Duluth – UMD)Hiawatha

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

10:15 AM  Break (30 min)


Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

10:45 AM Findings from 2022 MnROAD Alternative Cement Cells

Prashant Ram (Applied Pavement Technology – APTech)Hiawatha

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

11:10 AM Highlights from Early Opening of Concrete Pavements to Traffic Research Project

Maria Masten (MnDOT)Hiawatha

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

11:30 AM Panel Discussion of Industry Implementation Plans for Low Carbon Concrete

Glenn Engstrom (Aggregate and Ready Mix Association of Minnesota)Hiawatha

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:00 am - 12:00 pm Workshop 5: Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements (Sponsored by RCC Pavement Council)

8:00 AM Welcome and Overview

Corey Zollinger (CEMEX)Rock Island

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:10 AM Overview of RCC Growth in USA / World

Corey Zollinger (CEMEX)Rock Island

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:25AM Researcher Panel Discussion: Overview of RCC research supported by RCC Pavement Council

Corey Zollinger (CEMEX)Rock Island

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:25 AM Managing Volumetric change of RCC

Dan Zollinger (Texas A&M University)Rock Island

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:45 AM Container Pavement Design

Halil Ceylan (Iowa State University)Rock Island

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

9:05 AM RCC Research Conducted at University of Illinois

Jeff Roesler (University of Illinois)Rock Island

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

9:25 AM Researchers Panel Discussion

Moderator – Fares Abdo (Morgan Corp)Rock Island

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

9:45 AM Break (30 min)

Rock Island

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

10:15 AM Publicly funded / DOT Applications of RCC

Chris Carwie (AG Peltz)Rock Island

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

10:35 AM Local road applications of RCC

Matt Munsick (Andale)Rock Island

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

10:55 AM Overcoming QA/QC challenges at RCC paving projects

Fares Abdo (Morgan Corp)Rock Island

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

11:25 AM Industry Panel Discussion

Moderator – Corey Zolinger (CEMEX)Rock Island

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

11:45 AM Wrap Up and General Discussion

Moderator – Corey Zolinger (CEMEX)Rock Island

Tue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Workshop 10: Mine and Ready-Mix Plant Tour (Sponsored by NSSGA)

1:00 PM Board bus for departure from the conference hotel (The Depot)

Depot Renaissance Back Entrance

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

1:15 PM Depart from conference hotel (safety briefing on bus)

Depot Renaissance Back Entrance

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

2:00 PM Arrive at Holcim Empire Plant (16251 Biscayne Ave., Farmington)

Depot Renaissance Back Entrance

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

2:00 PM Welcome and Overview (PPE provided for those without)

Depot Renaissance Back Entrance

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

2:10 PM Guided tour of aggregate production facility

Depot Renaissance Back Entrance

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

3:10 PM Guided tour of ready mixed concrete plant

Depot Renaissance Back Entrance

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

4:00 PM Board bus for departure to conference hotel

Depot Renaissance Back Entrance

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

4:45 PM Arrive at conference hotel and adjourn

Depot Renaissance Back Entrance

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Workshop 6: Airport Pavement – ACPTP Research Program (Sponsored by ACPTP)

1:00 PM Introduction

Moderator: Peter Taylor (CP Tech Center)Great Northern

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

1:10 PM Mitigating Potential Alkali-Silica Reaction Expansion in Airfield Concrete Pavements

Jason Ideker (Oregon State University)Great Northern

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

1:30 PM Performance Engineered Mixtures for Airfield Pavements

Tyler Ley (Oklahoma State University)Great Northern

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

1:50 PM Best Practices for Rapid Repair, Rehabilitation, and Reconstruction of Concrete Airport Pavements

Scott Murrell (Applied Research Associates)Great Northern

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

2:10 PM Quality Control and Quality Acceptance of Airport Pavement

Tara Cavalline (University of North Carolina – Charlotte)Great Northern

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

2:30 PM Break (30 min)

Great Northern

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

3:00 PM Best Practices for Runway Rubber Removal

Aaron Pullen (Applied Research Associates)Great Northern

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

3:20 PM Effects of Diamond Grinding on Airfield Pavements

Jeff Stempihar (Nichols Consulting Engineering)Great Northern

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

3:40 PM Design and Performance of Thin Concrete Airfield Pavement

Scott Murrell (Applied Research Associates)Great Northern

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

4:00 PM Concrete Airfield Paving Continuity – Best Practices Guide

Matt Fonte (Fonte & Company)Great Northern

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

4:20 PM Future of the ACPTP Program

FAA RepresentativeGreat Northern

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

4:30 PM Discussion

All SpeakersGreat Northern

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Workshop 7: Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Materials for Pavements (Sponsored by FRCA)

1:00 PM Welcome / Introduction to FRCA

TBDSouthern Pacific

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

1:15 PM Concrete Fiber Overview

TBDSouthern Pacific

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

2:00 PM Fiber Test Methods & Performance-Based Specifications

TBDSouthern Pacific

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

2:30 PM Break (30 min)

TBDSouthern Pacific

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

3:00 PM Case Studies and other DOT Applications of FRC (Session 1)

TBDSouthern Pacific

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

3:30 PM Case Studies and other DOT Applications of FRC (Session 2)

TBDSouthern Pacific

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

4:00 PM Troubleshooting FRC

TBDSouthern Pacific

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

4:30 PM Open Panel Discussion with Speakers

TBDSouthern Pacific

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

4:50 PM Wrap and Adjourn

TBDSouthern Pacific

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Workshop 8: Concrete Pavement Preservation – Sustainable Solutions for Tomorrow, Today (Co-Sponsored by ACPA and IGGA)

Welcome and Introductions

Moderator: John Roberts (IGGA)Zepher

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Overview of Pavement Evaluation

Kurt Smith (APTech)Zepher

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Experience with Knowledge book and Lessons Learned

Gordon Bruhn (MnDOT)Zepher

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Pavement Preservation Toolkit

John Roberts (IGGA)Zepher

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Concrete Surface Characteristics

John Roberts (IGGA)Zepher

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm



Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Sustainability Impacts of Proper Pavement Preservation

Nick Davis (IGGA)Zepher

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Concrete Overlays and Overlay Preservation

Jerry Voigt (Square One Consulting)Zepher

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Utilizing Concrete Strategies to Improve Competition

Jim Mack (CEMEX)Zepher

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Workshop 9: Pavement Foundations: Review of Foundation Requirements and Measurements (Co-Sponsored by FWA and NCPTC)

1:00 PM Welcome/Introduction

Moderator: Leif Wathne (CPTech Center)Hiawatha

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

1:10 PM Why is this Important?

Tom Cackler (Ingios Geotechnics)Hiawatha

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

1:45 PM Foundation Design 101

Jeff Roesler (University of Illinois)Hiawatha

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

2:25 PM The Ideal Pavement

Tom Yu (FHWA)Hiawatha

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

3:05 PM Break (20 min)


Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

3:25 PM How to Achieve Engineering Foundations

David White (Ingios Geotechnics)Hiawatha

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

4:45 PM Advancing National Practice

Tom Yu (FHWA)Hiawatha

Tue 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Wednesday 28 Aug 2024

8:00 am - 9:45 am Poster Session 1 (NCC) CONSERVATORY

Environmental Life Cycle Assessment for Pavements (eLCAP) Tool

Rukesh MaharjanConservatory


Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Traffic Speed Deflectometer as Screening Tool for Load Transfer Efficiency

Rusty Branch, Christopher Collins, and Phillip SniderConservatory


Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Validation Strategy of Wavelogix’s REBEL Concrete Strength Sensor by Indiana DOT

Elena Cruz and Abul MazumderConservatory


Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Air Void Clustering in Kansas Mixes Containing Polycarboxylate Water Reducers

Ryan Hutchins and Sally MayerConservatory


Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

MDOT’s experience using a non-destructive testing device for evaluating Joints in JPC Pavements.

Ethan Bahmer and Tim StallardConservatory


Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Feasibility of Non-Proprietary Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) for use in Highway Bridges in Montana

Wesley Dess and Matt NeedhamConservatory


Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Testing Performance of Silane Water Repellent Treatments on Structural Concrete

Nairi Matevosyan and Jay JoslinConservatory


Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

History of CRCP in Oregon and preservation of aging CRCP

Daniel SchillerConservatory


Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

South Dakota DOT’s use of Ground Penetrating Radar for Tie and Dowel bar inspection.

Darin Hodges and Micah HowardConservatory

South Dakota

Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Regional Rollout of the Super Air Meter (SAM) and Surface Resistivity (SR) for Concrete Data Collection

Tyler Lacy and Matthew JohnsonConservatory


Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Dry Cast Concrete Box Culverts

Kiana Kukaua and Andrew ThaxtonConservatory

West Virginia

Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

8:00 am - 9:45 am Session 10: Performance Modeling 2 HIAWATHA

Moderator: Katherine Mellon, Nevada DOT

Developing a Theoretical Model for Load Transfer of Common Joints in Rigid Airport Pavement Structures

Sean JamiesonHiawatha

AUTHORS: Jamieson, S.; and White, G.

ABSTRACT: Rigid aircraft pavements are generally comprised of unreinforced concrete slabs constructed on a bound or granular sub-base layer, over the natural or constructed subgrade or fill. Important to any rigid aircraft pavement design and construction are the joints between the concrete slabs. The joints control shrinkage cracks during curing, allow for thermal expansion and contraction during daily and seasonal temperature cycles, they isolate concrete slabs from structural penetrations and provide load transfer between adjacent slabs. There are multiple joint types available to a pavement designer, with each joint type differentiated by smooth (formed) or fractured (aggregate) faces, round dowels, or the absence of round dowels, and thickened or non-thickened edges. In all cases, the joints are expected to provide minimum load transfer requirements that are assumed in contemporary thickness design methods. The load transfer between a loaded slab and unloaded slab can be modelled using finite-element methods to determine the effect of different joint details. This research details the development and initial results of a finite-element model for common joints in rigid airport structures using the general-purpose finite-element program Abaqus. Once validated against recent large-scale physical testing, the model will be used to investigate the effects of alternate jointing solutions for rigid aircraft pavements.

Following a career as an Airfield Engineering Officer in the Royal Australian Air Force, Sean Jamieson moved into academia as a research assistant and a PhD student in 2023. Sean holds a Master of Engineering in airport pavements and his PhD is focused on modelling joint load transfer in rigid airport pavement structures.
Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Effect of the Concrete Strength on Water-Coupled Cracks of Concrete Pavement

Huu Quoc Hung NguyenHiawatha

AUTHORS: Nguyen, H.Q.H.; Ogawa, J.; and Angeles, D.D.M.

ABSTRACT: The paper presents the three-dimensional nonlinear simulation of the concrete pavement by coupling the code of the multi-directional cracked concrete, multi-yield surface plasticity modeling for soil foundation, and the mesoscale model of stagnant water inside concrete cracks to investigate the effects of the concrete strength on the fatigue life under the traffic loads. The pore water inside uncracked concrete is assumed to be an isotropic manner. Meanwhile, after cracking, the pore water pressure becomes anisotropy in the concrete pore (capillary and crack gaps). Under traffic moving, cracks may open and close. Upon closing, the water pressure inside cracks significantly rises. The damage is thus accelerated. Because of this issue, a range of water-to-cement (W/C) ratios in the pavement to depict the high, normal, and weak concrete strength is inspected (W/Cs are from 30% to 60%). The results show the strong support of the concrete slab for pavement structures when the low W/C is utilized due to a large number of the finer micro pores in concrete. The dragging force is rooted in the permeability of pore water through the concrete micropore and the crack gap is therefore decreased. The deterioration of concrete structures under the traffic moving has dropped simultaneously.

Huu Quoc Hung Nguyen is currently working at the transport development division of CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. in Tokyo. His work and research focus on the durability and economic aspect of pavement design. He holds a Ph.D. from Yokohama National University, Japan where he spent 1.5 years as a postdoctoral fellow also. He worked in Germany, Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, and Ghana as a pavement engineer and researcher.
Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Deep Learning-Based Entrapped Air Segmentation And Evaluation (EASE) for Plain Concrete Pavement Applications

Xiangdong YanHiawatha

AUTHORS: Yan, X.; Darnell, M.; Vandenbossche, J.M.; and Fascetti, A.

ABSTRACT: The quality of the consolidation achieved during the paving process affects the amount of entrapped air that will remain in the concrete and hence the service life of the pavement. Petrographic methods traditionally used for the analysis of entrained air systems could be used for characterizing entrapped air but requires time consuming specimen preparation by skilled technicians. Data-based methods, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have been proposed in recent years for the analysis of entrained air systems as an attempt to automate the process and standardize results. However, such methods still require time-consuming preprocessing of the digital images as well as large amounts of data to train the models. In this study, a novel entrapped air recognition toolset, called Entrapped Air Segmentation and Evaluation (EASE), is therefore proposed. The main tool used in the procedure is the recently developed Segment Anything Model, which is a pre-trained, data-centered machine learning model, which demonstrates superior accuracy in the application area of image recognition and segmentation. Subsequently, based on the spatial analysis of the segmented entrapped air, a novel statistical procedure, based on the nearest neighbor, and the principle of complete spatial randomness, is proposed to quantitatively characterize the spatial distribution of entrapped air in concrete pavements. Results demonstrate that EASE is a robust tool to quantify the spatial features of entrapped air voids in plain concrete pavements, and to formally identify potential correlation of the air voids structure with aggregate particles.

Xiangdong Yan is a Ph.D. at the University of Pittsburgh with interests in digital portrayal and reconstruction
Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

A Deep-Learning Model to Estimate Rigid Pavement Stresses for Top-Down Cracking Airfield Pavement Design

Ali AshtianiHiawatha

AUTHORS: Ashtiani, A.Z.; Parsons, T.A.; Amos-Binks, A.; and Brill, D.R.

ABSTRACT: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) initiated a research project with the aim of integrating the top-down cracking failure mode into the rigid pavement design process within the FAARFIELD program. The FAA developed a stress prediction model based on machine learning (ML) methods as a substitute for the 3D finite element (FE) model used by FAARFIELD. The model targeted a four-layer airfield rigid pavement serving commercial heavy aircraft (gross weight >45,360 kg). Recently, FAA extended the model to encompass relatively thin three-layer rigid pavements at facilities serving light-load aircraft, such as general aviation airports, as well as three-layer rigid pavements designed to support heavier aircraft. This paper presents the results of the extended model. A comprehensive database was created for training the ML model that consisted of the results of 250,000 3D-FE simulations encompassing a wide range of rigid pavement material and thickness parameters, thermal loads, and aircraft configurations. This database was combined with the existing database, previously developed for the four-layer pavements. The model is based on a modular deep learning approach, employing a new artificial neural network method capable of predicting dynamic functional values over a continuous domain. The model rapidly estimates stress distribution along slab edges resulting from aircraft and thermal loads. The prediction error across all models is less than 27.5 kPa, resulting in less than 12.7-mm of error in the slab design thickness. The FAA is committed to deploy the ML model into a new cumulative damage factor design approach for top-down cracking failure in FAARFIELD.

Ali Ashtiani is a senior Civil Engineer at Applied Research Associates (ARA). He earned a PHD in Civil Engineering in 2014 from University of Texas EL Paso where he developed a finite element-based tool for analysis of jointed concrete pavements. Since joining ARA in 2016, he has supported the FAA airport pavement research and development program and has been the lead research engineer on various airport pavement analysis, evaluation, and management projects
Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

8:00 am - 9:45 am Session 9: Testing and Instrumentation 3 GREAT NORTHERN

Moderator: Rachel Cano,Texas DOT

Mechanical Behavior of Plastic Roller-Compacted Concrete

Syed Faizan HusainGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Husain, S.F.; Wiggins, J.R.; ,Ouellet, J.; Tutumluer, E.; and Roesler, J.R.

ABSTRACT: Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) pavement technology allows for faster construction and opening to vehicle traffic compared to conventional concrete pavement. However, there has been limited characterization of the mechanical response of plastic RCC materials for pavements. This study investigated the resilient response, permanent deformation behavior, and shear strength characteristics of a typical plastic RCC mixture. Resilient modulus testing was performed to analyze the resilient response of plastic RCC over time and under various stress states. Secondly, a permanent deformation test was conducted to determine the magnitude of permanent strain accumulation prior to setting. Finally,
variable energy dynamic cone penetrometer (VE-DCP) soundings were conducted to determine the shear strength properties of plastic RCC. The results demonstrated that the initial resilient modulus of plastic RCC remained lower than that of a wellcompacted unbound aggregate base (UAB) material of similar geologic origin. The resilient modulus for plastic RCC was low for the first 50 minutes and then increased rapidly to exceed UAB modulus after several hours. The permanent strain of plastic RCC showed similar trends to that of aggregate material and within acceptable limits. As expected, the RCC mix resistance to penetration progressively increased over time, with a significant gain in cone tip resistance during the first hour of testing. For this compacted RCC mix, the correlated CBR was initially 20 and increased to 60 after 250 minutes.

Syed Faizan Husain (pronounced Suh-Yud Phae-zaan Who-Sen) is a Ph.D. student in Transportation Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, working under the guidance of Professor Erol Tutumluer (pronounced Ae-Rul Tu-Tam-Luer). His doctoral research focuses on developing data-driven design guidelines for geosynthetic-stabilized aggregate base layers in highway pavements. Syed leads an INDOT-funded research project, where he uses state-of-the-art bender element field sensors and in-situ repeated load testing to directly measure the mechanically stabilized layer near geogrid installed in aggregate base layers during the US-20 reconstruction in Elkhart County, IN. Previously, as a graduate student at the University of Cincinnati, Syed contributed to the development of state-wide guidelines for the Indirect Tensile Asphalt Cracking Test (IDEAL-CT) for asphalt mixtures for Ohio DOT, providing a rapid lab alternative to assess cracking resistance. Originally from Aligarh (pronounced Uh-Lee-Gar), India, Syed enjoys spending time with his family and hiking whenever possible.
Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Feasibility of Pavement Temperature as a Surrogate for Performance of Rigid Pavements

Joseph PodolskyGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Podolsky, J.; Velasquez, R.; Bautista, E.; and Izevbekhai, B.

ABSTRACT: The state of Minnesota is experiencing on average higher temperatures, and higher frequency of extreme storms with intense flooding from climate change. For example, from 1951 to 2012 the average temperature and annual precipitation in the Twin Cities has increased by 3.25°F and 5.5 inches, respectively. Over the period from 1970 to 2019 there were 11 recorded mega rain events (rains in which at least six inches fall over an area of at least 1,000-square miles) of which 8 have occurred since 2000. Changes in climatic conditions may impact pavement systems in Minnesota. MnROAD has been collecting a large amount of environmental and pavement performance data for close to 30 years and has built a substantial database that can be used to assess impact of environmental stressors on pavement systems. MnROAD data includes air temperature and pavement temperatures at multiple depths in many of the test sections as well as weather station data. Environmental stressors (e.g., precipitation, temperature fluctuations, etc.) are becoming increasingly more important than traffic loading in limiting the overall life of pavements. In this research effort, thermocouple (pavement system temperatures) and weather data within the MnROAD database is explored using data science methods to assess if concrete pavement system temperature data can be used as an indicator of rigid pavement performance.

Dr. Joseph Podolsky is the Road Research Implementation Engineer within the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s Office of Materials and Road Research. His areas of interest are in pavement system materials, design, field monitoring and implementation of new materials, and practices in the field. He has over 12 years of experience in the field of pavement materials, has authored more than 45 journal and conference papers, 5 technical reports, and is co-author on 4 issued patents, and over 4 published patent applications in the field of bio-renewables for pavement applications.
Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Resistivity's Sensitivity to Concrete Mixture Design Parameters

Robert SpraggGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Cooper, M.A.; and Montanari, L.

ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine whether resistivity can be incorporated into a quality assurance program to identify variations in concrete mixture design proportions between a prequalified mixture and a delivered mixture. Owner agencies expend significant effort in qualifying concrete mixture designs, ensuring trial batching, and requiring mockups according to the concrete properties important for a project. After accepting a mixture design, however, the owner agency has few tests that ensure that the concrete delivered to the project site has the same mixture proportions as those of the mixture design approved for the project. The original concrete mixture can be modified at the batch plant due to measuring tolerances, en route to placement due to water additions or water evaporation, and during curing due to environmental and human factors. Literature has noted significant effects of paste volume and water-to-cementitious-materials ratio on concrete strength, shrinkage, water absorption, and overall durability. This research proposes resistivity testing as a method sensitive to changes in concrete paste content and water-to-cementitious-materials ratio between mixture acceptance and mixture delivery. Due to relative ease in testing and low cost, resistivity testing is increasingly used by concrete-testing facilities and owner agencies for quality assurance and control purposes. Resistivity testing can be performed on the same concrete cylinders intended for compressive strength testing. The study results demonstrate that resistivity displays the sensitivity needed to determine whether the concrete mixture received varies significantly from the intended concrete mixture design.

Robert Spragg is the Program Manager for FHWA’s Concrete Pavement Materials Program where he provides technical direction and oversees the deployment and transfer of innovative technologies in concrete materials and concrete pavements. His expertise is in the area of durability assessment of concrete using electrical resistivity measurements. Robert earned a Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Purdue University.
Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Settime Time Monitoring of RCC Through an Air-Coupled Ultrasound Technique

Jesús Castro PérezGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Pérez, J.C.; and Roesler, J.R.

ABSTRACT: In the construction of concrete pavements, the success of timely procedures such as surface finishing and saw-cutting of joints depends on the accurate estimation of setting times. Although the importance of setting time determination is generally acknowledged across concrete pavements, Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) pavements present distinct challenges with different material proportions and construction procedures relative to traditional Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavements. RCC exhibits a zero-slump consistency and is consolidated and compacted with vibratory rollers, similar asphalt paving. The objective of this study was to determine if a fully air-coupled ultrasound technique could directly estimate the setting time of RCC pavements. By monitoring the initiation of Leaky-Rayleigh waves, as previously validated in conventional PCC mixtures, setting time can be estimated in RCC mixtures. The lab testing results revealed that a fully air-coupled ultrasound method can determine the setting times of RCC mixtures similar to PCC mixtures. For water-to-cement (w/c) ratios of 0.24, 0.33, and 0.42, the lab-measured setting times were 160, 236, and 301 minutes respectively for RCC mixtures which were similar to PCC mixtures with similar w/c ratios with slightly higher paste volumes.

Jesús Castro is a Ph.D. Candidate and Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, specializing in enhancing concrete pavement performance through innovative materials and testing systems. He has diverse experience as a teaching assistant at UTEP, an independent consultant, and an engineering intern at WJE. He is a member of the Committee on Concrete Pavement Construction and Rehabilitation (AKC50) at TRB and has been recognized with the American Concrete Institute’s Construction Materials Fellowship. He has a deep interest in nondestructive Testing, forensic structural engineering, and deterioration mechanisms in concrete structures.
Wed 8:00 am - 9:45 am

10:15 am - 12:00 pm Poster Session 2 (NCC) CONSERVATORY

Evaluation of Alkali-Silica-Reaction (ASR) for Aggregate Sources in Arkansas

Paul TinsleyConservatory


Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

CDOT’s Performance Engineered Concrete Specification

Eric PrieveConservatory


Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Flordia's Concrete Test Road: Project Overview

Ohhoon Kwon and Richard HewittConservatory


Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Blended Cements and SCM’s to Reduce Carbon Footprint of PCC Pavements

Elijah Gansen and Todd HansonConservatory


Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

White Topping the Bluegrass

Adam RossConservatory


Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Chemical Detection of Expansion Susceptibility of Concrete

Josh Law and Ronald LichtenwalnerConservatory

North Carolina

Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

North Dakota DOT Concrete Innovations

TJ Murphy and Adam BerglundConservatory

North Dakota

Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Optimization of Cement Modified Recycled Base (CMRB) Mixture Design

Dahae Kim and Luke GibsonConservatory

South Carolina

Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

CRCP Service Life Analysis in Texas

Pan ChoiConservatory


Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Utah DOT Concrete innovations

Jason RichinsConservatory


Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Development of Performance-Based Concrete Mix Designs

Jim WildConservatory


Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

10:15 am - 12:00 pm Session 11: Performance Modeling 3 GREAT NORTHERN

Moderator: Ghaith Khresat, Kansas DOT

Secrets of the Plate Load Test (1941-1955)

Anastasios M. IoannidesGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Ioannides, A.M.; and Tingle, J.S.

ABSTRACT: The plate load test has been required for concrete pavement design since 1941, yet it is still not universally acceptable, particularly on account of its cumbersome nature, not to mention the scatter in its results. On the other hand, suggestions for its replacement have not been well received due to the well-deserved reverence for its original developers. This study reopens the archives of primary sources to show that the 30-in. plate diameter was first stipulated in haste by the US Army Corps of Engineers, in anticipation of World War II efforts, despite serious lingering disagreements and concerns about geotechnical considerations. Antecedents in studies of soil bearing capacity illustrate the enormity of the challenges faced by the Corps after the Pearl Harbor attack and historical documents reveal the mobilization of almost superhuman efforts that ensued during the Emergency that followed. Subsequent elaboration of the procedural specifications for this test were similarly driven by expediency and organizational policy, sometimes in contradiction to time-honored engineering principles. The 1955 seminal paper on the topic by Terzaghi is recognized as a belated critique of the concepts engendered by the War era, and as a roadmap for doing pavement engineering in peace times that has been largely ignored. Opinions of other key pioneers during the period considered are reviewed and are found to be consistent with Terzaghi’s conclusions.

Anastasios M. Ioannides joined the Engineer Research and Development Center of the US Army Corps of Engineers in 2020, after spending 24 years as an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Cincinnati. He obtained his Masters and doctoral degrees from the University of Illinois, and immediately he was hired on the faculty there, staying until 1994. His main interests lie in concrete pavement analysis using the finite element methods and in probabilistic approaches to pavement engineering. He has made significant contributions in the application of dimensional analysis in data interpretation, and has authored more than 100 technical publications.
Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Structural Evaluation of Double-Layer Precast Concrete Pavement by Wheel Loading Test and Analysis by 3DFEM

Takahiro YokoyamaGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Yokoyama, T.; Matsushita, Y.; Misutani, S and Nishizawa, T.

ABSTRACT: One of the reasons why concrete pavement is not so popular in Japan is that it takes more time to construct and replace than asphalt pavement. Improving productivity in concrete pavement construction and maintenance can be achieved by utilizing precast concrete products more. The use of precast concrete panels for pavement is a solution. A unique precast concrete pavement, Double-layer Precast Concrete Pavement (DPCP) has been developed in this study. This new technology consists of two layers of precast concrete panels arranged in staggered position. DPCP is easy to be constructed and maintained because it does not require joint connectors such as dowels or cotters for ensuring road surface evenness and load transfer across joints. To investigate long-term performance of DPCP, a test section was constructed on a circular accelerating pavement testing facility and subjected to a lot of moving truck axle load. During the test, falling weight deflectometer (FWD) tests were conducted at every 10,000 of 49kN equivalent single wheel loads (ESWL). Back-calculation of FWD deflection revealed the gap between the upper and lower panels at transverse joints. However, structural analysis with three-dimensional finite element method (3DFEM) confirmed that small cracks in the panels due to the gap are properly controlled with rebars. The study also shows that distressed panels can be replaced efficiently, minimizing work, noise, and vibration issues.

Takahiro Yokoyama is a researcher at Obayashi Road Corporation. He joined the company in 2015. For four years, he was engaged in construction management and field investigations for airports and highways, etc. Since then, he has been developing a new type of precast concrete pavement aimed at improving productivity.​ In October 2021, he participated in the University of Tokyo’s i-Construction project as a visiting researcher. In this project, he has been developing a quality control ​system for asphalt mixtures using blockchain.
Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Mechanistic Back-calculation of the LTE of Jointed Pavements at the Corridor Level from TSD Deflection Velocity Measurements: Collected Case Studies

Martin ScavoneGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Scavone, M.; Katicha, S.; Flintsch, G.; and Amarh, E.

ABSTRACT: The recent unveiling of the Fourth-Generation Traffic-Speed Deflectometer (TSD), capable of reporting deflection velocity data at a 5-cm spatial resolution, led to the development of a mechanistic approach to back-calculate the structural properties of jointed concrete pavements and estimating the transverse joints’ Load Transfer Efficiency (LTE) index. This analysis technique would finally enable pavement managers to get an insight into the structural health of in-service rigid pavements as rich as that that could be obtained for flexible pavements from a deflection survey with the TSD.
Following the release of this TSD data analysis tool, the opportunity arose to improve its computational performance and thus bolster its applicability for corridor-level evaluations. This paper introduces and discusses these computational enhancements and demonstrates the back-calculation technique’s usability by presenting its results for three jointed pavement segments: a concrete track within a research facility and two open-to-traffic highway corridors. These examples show that, aided by the TSD, the pavement manager can now estimate the LTE of every joint in an in-service concrete corridor, and consequently, detect and correct the structurally weak ones, without disrupting the normal flow of traffic, thus bolstering the concrete pavement’s preservation while maintaining its level of service to users at the same time.

Martin Scavone is a civil engineer with roughly 10 years of experience in roadway engineering practice. He received his degree at the 'Universidad de la República' in Uruguay (year 2024) and M Sc. and Ph. D. degrees from Virginia Tech (2019 and 2022 respectively). His Dissertation research covered the use of traffic-speed deflection testing for concrete pavement evaluation. Currently based in his homeland, he works for a local consultancy company as senior pavement designer and for ARRB Systems, Inc., performing research activities that support the operation of their TSD fleet in the United States and elsewhere.
Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Developing a Next-Generation Concrete Pavement Analysis Tool

Kathryn A. KennebeckGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Kennebeck, K.A., Khazanovich, L.; Sen, S.; Smetana, M.; and Mu, F.

ABSTRACT: Improving the structural analysis of pavement systems is crucial for advancing mechanistic-empirical design procedures. In the past, several finite element programs, such as ILLISLAB and ISLAB2000, have been developed to compute the structural responses of concrete pavements under various combinations of axle loading and temperature curling. Unfortunately, the rapid advancement of modern computing has rendered the existing ISLAB2000 codebase obsolete, lacking the flexibility to address emerging issues or incorporate more advanced models. This paper discusses the development of a next-generation program, PittSLAB, as the successor to ISLAB2000. PittSLAB introduces novel features, including efficient modeling of multiple consecutive bonded/unbonded layers and consideration of early-age loading effects on the predicted pavement responses to later loading. The capability for later modeling was made possible through the generalization of ISLAB2000's elastic analysis, as presented in the paper. The paper presents different forms of verification for PittSLAB's new features, demonstrating well-structured cases where PittSLAB's analyses align with ISLAB2000. In these specialized cases, both programs converge to the same solutions. However, PittSLAB's analysis of early-age considerations shows significantly different structural responses than ISLAB2000's simplified analysis method. These findings highlight the importance of early age characterization of slabs for improved modeling accuracy, particularly in complex phenomena like Built-In Curling.

Kathryn is a third year Ph.D. student studying under the advisement of Dr. Lev Khazanovich. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in December 2020. She has worked on the development of finite element analysis software for rigid pavements and will continue researching computational methods for structural mechanics throughout her doctorate studies.
Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

10:15 am - 12:00 pm Session 12: Construction 1 HIAWATHA

Moderator: Dana Dietz, Idaho DOT

Enhancing Concrete Pavement Work Zone Safety Through Passive Material Sensing

Jeff RoeslerHiawatha

AUTHORS: Roesler, J.R.; and Sakulneya, A.

ABSTRACT: Construction work zones (CWZ) on roadways can lead to significant safety risks for drivers and workers. Maintaining driver attention, reducing vehicle speeds, and providing advanced lane closure warnings are actions crucial for minimizing accident risks. This research study focused on the feasibility of passive sensors embedded in concrete pavement to alert drivers to maneuver their vehicles and reduce speeds in CWZ. Electromagnetic materials strategically placed or embedded in concrete pavement can alert vehicles to upcoming lane closures, provide actual to posted speed levels, warn of imminent lane departure, and help vehicles merge safely at the beginning and end of the CWZ. The proposed V2I passive sensing system for CWZ also allows for in-vehicle communication (visual and audio) and engagement of the driver. The proposed passive material sensing approach still complements existing work zone signage and pavement markings to maximize overall safety of drivers and workers.

Dr. Jeffery Roesler holds the Ernest J Barenberg Professorship in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Dr. Roesler holds B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has been conducting research on a variety of rigid pavement topics for the past 25 years. His recent research interest involves roller compacted concrete pavements, micro-scale urban heat island and cool surfaces, passive material sensing for vehicle lateral positioning, and non-contact ultrasonic sensing system for construction monitoring. He has authored/ coauthored more than 250 publications. He is a registered professional engineer in the California and active participant in TRB, ACI, and is Past President-International Society of Concrete Pavements.
Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Optimising Concrete Highway Paving: An Australian Perspective

James WalkerHiawatha

AUTHOR: Walker, J.

ABSTRACT: A typical Australian Highway pavement is 10 m – 10.5 m wide, consisting of 2.5 m nearside shoulder, 2 x 3.5 m travel lanes and an offside shoulder of 0.5 m – 1.0 m. For many of these high speed - high volume - high heavy vehicle usage corridors, rigid pavements are the workhorse that provide durable, low maintenance, longer lasting roads. Current construction practices and Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) – the State Road Authority for New South Wales, Australia, Standard Drawings would see the paving of travel lanes and offside shoulder in first pass utilising multi-lane paver and tipper trucks. Following the first pass gaining strength, the shoulder would be paved with smaller paver and concrete delivered with tipper trucks or agitators. Proposals to construct the full width of pavement as a single pass have been raised by many over the years. Modern high output twin shaft mixing plants have been utilised in Australia since the turn of the century, making it possible to pave full width in single pass. With Australian Road Agencies seeking to improve road safety outcomes for all, there has been ongoing calls for increased nearside shoulders to ensure they can function as a breakdown lane, with shoulder widths as wide as 4 m. This would result in a cross section up to 12 m. While this represents a huge improvement for road safety, it also raises the need to reconsider the case for full width concrete paving. Particularly when one considers potential benefits:
• Safety during paving operations
• Construction quality
• Potential paving program efficiencies, and
• Potential cost savings

James Walker is a Civil Engineer working on the development and delivery of major road infrastructure projects with Transport for NSW. With experience in the design and construction of highway concrete pavements, including widening of the M1 Motorway (between Sydney and Newcastle), James has recently commenced the role of Vice President with the Australian Society for Concrete Pavements.
Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Concrete Pavements in Roundabout Intersections: Case Studies

Kurt Smith, Shabbir Hossain, and Andy NaranjoHiawatha

AUTHORS: Hossain, M.S.; Naranjo, A.; Schmalzer, P.; and Smith, K.

ABSTRACT: Over the last several decades, the use of roundabouts has grown considerably in the United States. Roundabouts have been shown to be an effective solution for managing traffic at many intersections, offering improved safety performance, shorter delays and shorter queues, improved speed management, reduced operating costs, and aesthetic value. Various pavement structures can be used in roundabout intersections, including three different concrete pavement types: jointed plain concrete (JPC), continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP), and precast concrete panels (PCP). JPC structures are by far the most common concrete pavement type used in roundabout construction, but several recent projects in the U.S. have been built featuring CRCP and PCP designs. Each concrete pavement type requires competent structural designs and effective construction practices to ensure their long-term performance.

This paper presents several case studies featuring these three concrete pavement types in roundabout intersections, including three JPC projects in Nevada, two CRCP projects in Texas, and two PCP projects in Virginia. All sections were constructed within the last 10 years and are generally performing satisfactorily. Important design and construction details for each of these projects are described, along with information on the current condition and performance. A summary of key observations from each concrete pavement type is also presented. Together, this information will prove valuable to practitioners in adopting long-lasting concrete pavements for roundabout intersections.

Mr. Smith is a Vice President at Applied Pavement Technology, Inc. and has nearly 40 years of experience in the pavement engineering field. His technical areas of interest include concrete pavement design and construction, concrete preservation and rehabilitation, and pavement sustainability. Shabbir Hossain is an associate principal research scientist at the Virginia Transportation Research Council, a research division of the Virginia Department of Transportation. He has been involved in applied research for pavements for more than 30 years, with focuses research areas including subgrade, base, and rigid pavements. Dr. Hossain is a registered professional engineer in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the state of Texas. Andy is currently the Rigid Pavements and Concrete Materials Section Director of the Materials and Tests Division of TxDOT, and oversees concrete pavement construction, as well as provides statewide support for concrete material related issues. Andy received his B.S. in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University-Kingsville in 2000 and his M.S. in Civil Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin in 2007. Andy is a registered professional engineer in Texas.
Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Performance of Concrete Pavements with Optimized Geometry Panels Tendered By the Ministry of Public Works in Chile

Juan Pablo CovarrubiasHiawatha

AUTHORS: Covarrubias, J.P.; Del Rio, P.; and Fernández, M.

ABSTRACT: In 2005, a new concrete pavement design concept was introduced, based on designing the dimensions of panels in such a way that only one truck wheel or set of wheels can load the panel at a time. This reduction in panel size reduces the stresses caused by curling and interaction with loads, which ultimately allows to reduce the necessary thickness of the pavement without affecting its design life or, to increase its durability without increasing the thickness.

This article presents an analysis of the current state of this paving technology in public projects of the Ministry of Public Works of Chile after more than a decade of its implementation, based on the monitoring of various projects built with this methodology. The results obtained are compared with the background of design, construction, and acceptance to evaluate the performance over time according to the different conditions of each project.

Wed 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm - 2:45 pm Poster Session 3 CONSERVATORY

Moderator: Whitney Wise, Wyoming DOT

Wide-Base Tire Load's Impact on Transverse Cracking of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement in Michigan

Jake HillerConservatory

AUTHORS: Yin, L.; Hiller, J.; and You, Z.

ABSTRACT: This paper presents an evaluation of the impact of wide-base tire (WBT) loading on jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP) transverse cracking in Michigan. The study utilized mechanical-empirical pavement design (MEPD) cracking-related equations to establish the relationship between stress, damage index, and transverse cracking. The finite element program Illislab was used to calculate the slab top and bottom bending stress under both dual tire (DT) and WBT load, considering Michigan's pavement slab temperature difference distribution and normal distribution of lateral load placement in the transverse direction. The findings indicate that negative temperature differences prevail in Michigan due to built-in temperature differences, promoting top-down cracking development. However, the WBT load's impact on the slabs' bottom stress was significantly more severe than the top stress, which is exacerbated under positive temperature difference. As a result, the final damage index ratios for bottom-up and top-down transverse cracking with a certain WBT load are relatively similar. To address the issue of WBT loads, a calibration factor adjustment method for JPCP transverse cracking is proposed to consider the WBT's impact on pavement design. These findings provide insights in analyzing the impact of WBT loads on JPCP transverse cracking when existing mechanistic-empirical software is unable to address it directly.

Jake Hiller is a Senior Pavement Engineer at American Engineering Testing, Inc. (AET). With over 25 years of experience in higher education and engineering, he focuses on the materials, mechanics, and performance of concrete and asphalt pavements. He specializes in mechanistic-empirical design and rehabilitation of rigid pavements, pavement sustainability, recycled concrete, and the environmental impacts of concrete. He currently serves as the President of the International Society for Concrete Pavements.
Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Twenty-Years Experience of Porous Concrete Pavements on Roadways in Japan

Nakamura HironoriConservatory

AUTHORS: Nakamura, H., Koyanagawa, M., and Nishizawa, T.

ABSTRACT: Porous Concrete Pavement (PoCP) is a concrete pavement with drainage and noise reduction functions by forming continuous voids in the concrete. In Japan, porous concrete was developed in the 1970s and applied on sidewalks in the 1980s. After that, research on admixtures and binders progressed, and it became possible to achieve the flexural strength of 4.4 MPa for porous concrete with continuous voids and apply PoCP on roadway pavements. In the 2000s, PoCP began to be used in expressway toll gates. The reason for this is that porous asphalt pavement (PoAP) in the toll gates had severely rutted due to repeated deceleration and acceleration of vehicles, while PoCP has higher resistance to the rutting comparing with PoAP. In order to confirm the long-term performances of PoCP, the Japan Cement Association (JCA) constructed PoCP test sections on actual roadways in various places. This paper reports the results of field surveys on two sites that have served for about 20 years. The performances of road surface (faulting at transverse joints, smoothness, rutdepth) were confirmed to meet the target values for maintenance and repair guidelines. However, relatively severe cracking were observed in some sections, which did not meet specified criterions of maintenance and repair guidelines. The reason for this is considered to be the effect of increased thermal stress due to the long transverse joint spacing of 20 m in the test sections. The degree of cracking was lower in the 25 cm slab thickness sections than that in the 20 cm slab thickness sections. On the other hand, drainage and noise reduction functions have declined over time due to clogging of the void and similar declines also observed on PoAP sections. These results demonstrate that PoCP has a sufficient durability and can be used on roadways, although cleaning clogged voids is still required to maintain sufficient drainage and noise reduction functions.

Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Research on Rheological Properties to Improve the Quality of Concrete Mixtures for Pavement

Kyong-Ku YunConservatory

AUTHORS: Yun, K.K.; Song, C.S.; Choi, S.H.; and Ha, T.H.

ABSTRACT: The increasing costs associated with early damage to road-paved concrete, attributed to inconsistent mixtures from batch facilities, pose a significant challenge in infrastructure maintenance. Addressing this issue, the study endeavors to develop concrete rheometer equipment capable of real-time assessment of mixture quality, aiming to mitigate the financial burden caused by premature concrete deterioration. Through a comprehensive methodology, encompassing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis and indoor experiments with prototype equipment, the study seeks to validate the accuracy of the developed equipment against commercially available rheometers. Furthermore, a comparative analysis of rheology results between the developed equipment and existing models is conducted to ensure the reliability of the proposed solution. In conclusion, the following points can be distinguished:
The difference between vertical and horizontal movement is that vertical movement concentrates the fluid on the top of the impeller, while horizontal movement distributes the fluid evenly on the outer wall of the vane. And data accuracy has been improved through improvements in the mesh area. For rheological properties, despite changes in relative valus, torque viscosity (H) showed a consistent trend between the ICAR rheometer and the twin shaft rheometer mixer.
This research contributes to the understanding of concrete rheology and to the development of concrete rheometer equipment for improved quality control in concrete production and road construction.

He is a professor at Kangwon National University in S. Korea. He received his Ph.D. degree from Michigan State University in 1995. He had been a president of Korean Society of Road Engineers(KSRE) from 2017 to 2019. His research area includes concrete materials, concrete pavement, bridge repair and rehabilitation.
Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Utilization of the Pavement Condition Index for Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements: A Case Study in Türkiye

İsmail Özgür YamanConservatory

AUTHORS: Yilmaz, M.C.; Akbelen, B.; Gungor, A.G.; Yilmaz, Y.; and Yaman, I.O.

ABSTRACT: Pavements may experience premature deterioration due to various factors, such as traffic density, increased axle loads, overloading, climatic influences, design and construction deficiencies, and subgrade conditions. Evaluating the condition of existing pavements is crucial to assess the extent and underlying causes of degradation. This assessment facilitates timely decision-making by road owners regarding maintenance and repair interventions, aimed at achieving the intended service life of the pavement while optimizing resource utilization. This study focuses on assessing the performance of an existing roller compacted concrete (RCC) pavement and investigate the relation between pavement performance and subgrade conditions. Specifically, we evaluate the performance of an RCC road in the Esmeahmediye-Avluburun region of Kartepe District, Kocaeli Province, marking the first instance of applying performance evaluation concepts to RCC pavements in Türkiye. Utilizing the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) methodology outlined in ASTM D6433-23, we determined PCI values ranging between 34.9 and 73.5, with an average of 53.8, indicative of an overall “poor” condition of the road. Additionally, we established a strong linear relationship (coefficient of determination = 0.69) between average PCI values and average California Bearing Ratio (CBR) values for the case study. However, our analysis revealed that the subgrade's CBR value alone is insufficient to accurately predict RCC pavement performance. Hence, we advocate for incorporating climatic conditions, drainage characteristics, and comprehensive subgrade data into predictive models to enhance the precision of RCC pavement deterioration forecasts.

Dr. İsmail Özgür Yaman received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the Department of Civil Engineering at METU in 1993 and 1995, and earned his PhD in 2000 at Wayne State University, USA, with his work on the simulation of ultrasonic testing of concrete. He has been continuing his academic activities at METU Department of Civil Engineering since 2003. Dr. Yaman's main research topics include the use of non-destructive testing methods in concrete; developments in cement and concrete technology; concrete road construction technologies.
Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Development of a Framework for Assessing Global Warming Potential Across the Concrete Pavement Life Cycle

Michelle CooperConservatory

AUTHORS: Cooper, M.A.; and Mukherjee, A.

ABSTRACT: The objective of this work is to develop a framework for performing life cycle assessments (LCAs) of a concrete pavement. Current concrete LCAs focus mainly on stages A1 through A3 in keeping with concrete environmental product declarations (EPDs) and therefore only on the concrete mixture design and constituents. Those concrete pavement LCAs tending towards beyond the gate focus on the tailpipe emissions of vehicles using the concrete pavement. The pavement industry desires a pavement LCA to incorporate the life cycle stages beyond the gate, including construction, repair, maintenance, rehabilitation, and end of life. Incorporating a more holistic approach allows for improved decision-making and consideration of material choices that may have a higher upfront global warming potential (GWP) but result in longer life, thus lowering overall emissions. The framework developed in this study considers the embodied emissions associated with the entire pavement life cycle, including repair, maintenance, rehabilitation, and end of life. The framework does not include the tailpipe emissions or use phase of the pavement in which the sole source of emissions arises from vehicles. Developing this framework offers not only a holistic solution of concrete pavement life cycle to the industry, but also transitions concrete LCAs from a declared unit to a functional unit. The transition to a functional unit positions concrete pavement LCAs into a more comparative process and provides more meaning to the estimations received during the LCA.

Michelle Cooper is a PhD Candidate at Michigan Tech and is also the Concrete Materials Laboratory Manager at the Federal Highway Administration's Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center. Michelle has a BS in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech and a Masters degree in Civil Engineering from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. After receiving her Master's, she worked as a forensic structural engineer and has now spent the past 4 years as a concrete materials research engineer for FHWA. Michelle's research areas of interest include concrete sustainability, concrete materials characterization, and concrete durability.
Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

The Maturity Concept for Early Opening of Concrete Pavements – The Underutilized Opportunity

Jim GroveConservatory

AUTHORS: Grove, J.; Praul, M.; Gudimettla, J.; and Conway, R., Wathne, L.G.

ABSTRACT: The maturity method for determining early strength of concrete nondestructively has been available for decades. FHWA has been demonstrating this technology through what is now called the Mobile Concrete Technology Center (MCTC), since the late 1980’s. Some state agencies have adopted maturity testing into their standard specifications to accelerate construction. While maturity is an option in many states specifications it hasn't seen widespread use because the specifications are too complicated and not field friendly. What is needed is a maturity procedure specifically for concrete paving that is easier to implement. The Iowa DOT in 1997 began allowing opening to traffic strength to be estimated with a simpler procedure of maturity testing. It has been used extensively for over 25 years as a contractor option specification. No pavement cracks or failures have been reported over those years due to traffic driving on pavement when it had inadequate strength. This paper outlines a simplified approach for the use of maturity to monitor early age strength in paving concrete. This procedure is easy to implement by the contractor and was the key to its widespread adoption by contractors in Iowa. It is also beneficial to the agency in numerous of ways. This paper also includes a discussion of the barriers that have restricted wider use in the past. The advantages offered by a modernized and simpler approach will be explained. New technologies for monitoring strength development are also presented.

Jim Grove is a consultant to FHWA and works with the Mobile Concrete Technology Center (MCTC). Prior to this, he retired from the National Concrete Technology Center (CP Tech Center). Before that, that he was with the Iowa DOT for 16 years as the Concrete Engineer and later as the Concrete Pavement Field Engineer. He has a bachelor’s and a master’s degrees from Iowa State University and is a Registered Professional Engineer in the state of Iowa. Jim is a charter member of ISCP and has been attending these conferences since he attended Conference #3.
Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Relative Significance of Coefficients and Local Calibration of PMED Rigid Performance Prediction Models

Faizan A. LaliConservatory

AUTHORS: Lali, F.A.; Haider, S.W.; Singh, R.R., and Dolan, K.D.

ABSTRACT: The Pavement-ME is a modern approach to designing new and rehabilitated pavements. The tool predicts the pavement distress and roughness over the design life considering local traffic, material properties, and climate conditions. Several studies conducted in the past have optimized the performance prediction models–– by locally calibrating the transfer functions. However, those have primarily focused on calibration efforts by minimizing the standard error and bias. Moreover, the one-at-a-time (OAT) approach is used for sensitivity analysis by comparing the performance prediction with input change. The results ranked significant input variables based on coefficients sensitivity index (SI) or normalized sensitivity index (NSI). This paper presents Scaled Sensitivity Coefficients (SSCs) for sensitivity analysis of transfer function coefficients and calibration efforts for transverse cracking and IRI performance models of jointed plain concrete pavements (JPCP). In Michigan, sixty-five pavement sections are used for transverse cracking and IRI model calibrations. SSCs identify the most sensitive model parameters over a range of independent variables of the transfer function. Both linear and nonlinear approaches are used to calibrate the performance models while minimizing standard error and bias. The results show that SSCs are critical factors in parameter identifiability concerning the relative error of the coefficients. The C4 and C5 coefficients for transverse cracking and J1 (cracking), J2 (spalling), J3 (faulting), and J4 (site factor) for the IRI were calibrated. The transverse cracking model is more sensitive to C5, and the IRI model's sensitivity ranking is J1, J4, J3, and J2. The results also show that locally calibrated models significantly reduced standard error and bias compared to the global model.

Faizan Lali holds a Master's degree in Pavement Engineering from Michigan State University and is pursuing a Ph.D. in the same field. His Master's research focused on the PMED approach for rehabilitating rubblized concrete pavements, including calibrating performance prediction models using PMED. Currently, Faizan's work encompasses a range of topics in pavement engineering, including Pavement-ME Rehabilitation Design Protocols for MDOT Implementation, material characterization, and statistical analysis of pavement performance. He is also exploring non-destructive pavement evaluation techniques. In addition to his research, Faizan is a teaching assistant for the course ""Risk Analysis in Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Differential Settlement Behavior and Verification of Precast Concrete Pavement and Base Layer

Mingjing FangConservatory

AUTHORS: Mingjing, F.; Yungang D.; Yiming C.; Mengjun Z.; and Zhiyong W.

ABSTRACT: Compared with the field casting pavement, the adaptability of precast slab paving to the base is significantly paid attention to. In this paper, the mechanical behavior of Portland cement concrete (PCC) precast pavement under differential settlement deformation of the base layer is analyzed by numerically evaluating the ultimate displacement at the bottom of slabs under different concrete types, slab thicknesses, and steel bar diameters. During the FEM modeling, the length of a single slab is 3.5m, the width is 3m, and four enforcement bars are applied both for through-hole lifting and pavement slab connection. The results indicated that 1) as the thickness of the pavement slab decreases, the bottom displacement of the benchmark concrete slab and flexible PCC slab increases continuously during failure; 2) with the diameter of the steel bars changes, the ultimate load and bottom displacement of the benchmark concrete slab and flexible PCC slab do not change significantly during failure; Meanwhile, 3) when the thickness of the pavement slab is 18 cm, and the diameter of the steel bar is 28 mm, compared to the reference concrete material, the ultimate load of the flexible PCC pavement increases by 89.7%, and the corresponding mid-span displacement of the slab bottom increases by 81.3%; 4) the prefabricated flexible PCC pavement slab can better adapt to the differential settlement of the base layer. However, field test verification and further research on the differential settlement behavior should be conducted in the future.

Dr. Mingjing Fang is currently serving as the associate professor in the School of Civil Engineering and Architecture at Wuhan University of Technology. His research interests are in pavement and alignment of road & railway engineering, including paving engineering, subgrade improvement, high-performance construction material, asphalt-based trackbed, and intelligent construction.
Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Enhancing Mechanism of the Chemically Etched Fly Ash Cenosphere on Concrete Performance

Yating ZhangConservatory

AUTHORS: Zhang, Y.; and Xia, W.

ABSTRACT: Fly ash cenosphere (FAC), one of the primary coal-based derivatives, has not been extensively utilized in construction fields due to its poor performance. Although chemical etching is considered as an effective method to improve the performance of FAC, the mechanism by which the etched FAC enhances the performance of concrete is still unclear. In this study, water transport properties and pozzolanic activity of the etched FAC were evaluated to provide evidence for the enhanced properties of the etched FAC. The impact of the etched FAC on the degree of hydration, microstructure morphology and mechanical properties of concrete was further assessed by comparing with the concrete containing the raw FAC. The results show that the etched FAC has good water absorption and desorption properties, thus presenting good internal curing effect. The release intensity of the effective elements, i.e., Si and Al, that can participate in the pozzolanic reactivity is enhanced, which indicates an increased pozzolanic activity of the etched FAC. In addition, the incorporation of the etched FAC results in an increase of 3.2%, 16.0% and 19.5% in the 28-d hydration degree and compressive and flexural strength, respectively, compared to the concrete incorporating the raw FAC. Given the internal curing effect and the increased pozzolanic activity, the interfacial transition zone between the etched FAC and the paste is strengthened and the phase composition of the hydration products is improved.

Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

1:00 pm - 2:45 pm Session 13: Recycled Materials GREAT NORTHERN

Moderator: Tirupan Mandal, Wisconsin DOT

Evaluation of the Beneficial Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregates at the MnROAD Test Cells

Bernard IzevbekhaiGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Izevbekhai, B.; and Aili, M.

ABSTRACT: Sustainability is increasingly a critical issue in transportation, as activities continue to significantly impact the environment and our ability to maintain a healthy and prosperous society without jeopardizing the ability of future generation to do the same. Consequently, there is a growing recognition of the need for sustainable practices in infrastructure systems reflecting in current corporate policies and government regulations. Paucity of naturally occurring aggregates and blasted rocks at or near construction projects are ramified in two factors. First practitioners experience shortage of naturally occurring aggregates and blasted rocks due to their depletion at sources where needed. Secondly, the haulage option implies huge cost of transporting naturally occurring aggregates and blasted rocks from distant sources. The increased usage of recycled aggregates in concrete thus triggered a series of studies including a 2010 test cell and two-lift concrete test cell where the lower lift was made of recycled concrete aggregates and a 2013 imitative that constructed a concrete test cell containing recycled aggregates as 75% of the total coarse aggregate content. After monitoring these cells and a control cell over time their performances were compared to those of control cells using age-normalized Load Transfer Efficiency and International Roughness Indices. Rebound Hammer and Petrographic Analysis facilitated evaluation of the 2-lift interface as well as relative conditions of each lift. Petrographic analysis validated internal curing in the lower lift.

Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

The Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Addition to Produce Concrete Pavements

Christian PagliaGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Paglia, C.; Mosca, C.; and Anotonietti, S.

ABSTRACT: Durability issues increase the frequency of asphalt road surface course restoration on a longterm basis. Increased traffic loads, extreme environmental conditions and oxidation accelerate the deterioration of the asphalt pavements. A high amount of reclaimed asphalt pavements (RAP) is produced and only partially recycled in bituminous pavements. The increased stiffness of the old binder requires softer bitumen and adequate chemical preparation. Therefore, a relevant amount of material is still brought to disposal. In order to increase the use of RAP, RAP aggregates are mixed with cementitious materials to produce RAP concrete. In this work, RAP aggregates are added to 30% by weight in substitution of the natural rocky aggregate in plain (PCCP) and roller compacted concrete (RCCP) pavements. In spite of the inadequate laboratory compaction of the RCCP specimens, the mechanical properties of RAP concrete do not exhibit a significant difference compared with the 100 % natural aggregates specimens. Nevertheless, the technically low strength values did not allow further durability tests to be accomplished. On the contrary, the addition of RAP in conventional concrete shows a slight decrease in mechanical properties and modulus of elasticity, which are adequate for the pavement flexibility and for the reduction of the cracking susceptibility. The chloride and water permeability resistance are increased with the addition of 30% RAP, whilst the freeze / thaw resistance is lowered and merits further investigation in large field trials.

Ph. D in Material Science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, in collaboration with Sika AG in Zurich (2000). Post-doctoral Researcher in the Corrosion of Aerospace Aluminum Alloys Friction Stir Welds at the Material Science Department, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, in collaboration with the Wright Patterson Air Force Research Laboratories. Responsible of a branch office of the Helbling Consulting Engineering Group, Zurich. Director of the Institute of Materials and Constructions at the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (since 2006).
Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Effects of RCA Replacement Level on Concrete Mechanical Properties

Rita LederleGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Lederle, R.E.; Abdimuhsin, M.; and Izevbekhai, B.

ABSTRACT: Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) has the potential to replace virgin coarse aggregate in new concrete pavements to increase their sustainability. However, the effects of RCA replacement on concrete properties can vary widely, depending on the RCA properties and the concrete into which it is being incorporated. This study investigated the effects of coarse RCA on concrete mechanical properties based on a large number of studies available in the literature. A property ratio was used to normalize the results of each study to its own control group, thereby allowing studies with different mix designs to be compared. By comparing the change in concrete properties observed in each study as the RCA replacement percentage increased, the wide range of possible effects on mechanical properties is illustrated. This wide range of effects should be considered when developing policy related to RCA use because no single study can capture the possible effects of RCA use. The applicability of standard correlations for predicting elastic modulus, split tensile, and flexural strength from compressive strength for concrete made with RCA was also investigated. The flexural strength correlation was found to have a similar level of validity for mixes containing RCA versus virgin aggregate, but correlations for elastic modulus and tensile strength were less accurate for mixes containing RCA, especially at high replacement levels.

Dr. Rita Lederle is an Associate Professor and founding faculty in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota. Her research interests are in the area of concrete materials for infrastructure applications, including pavements and bridges. She holds a Bachelor's and PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Minnesota and a Master's in Civil Engineering from Michigan Tech. Prior to joining St. Thomas, she worked as a Bridge Engineer for both the Wisconsin and Minnesota Departments of Transportation.
Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Case Studies of Problems and Solutions of Construction and Maintenance of Concrete Pavements in India

R.K. Jain and Satbir Singh PuwarGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Jain, R.K.; and Puwar, S.S.

ABSTRACT: Today, India stands foremost in constructing the maximum number of concrete pavements in the world. Various types of distress occurred after constructing Cement Concrete Pavements (CCP) as elucidated in the case studies. After a thorough investigation of the causes of distress, the authors have addressed the rectification of the pavements. On National Highway (NH) 20, a longitudinal crack about 0.5m away from the central longitudinal joint had developed in Pavement Quality Concrete (PQC), continuously in 3.6km length. The longitudinal joint in Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement (RCCP) in the lower layer was not co-terminus with that of the PQC. Consequently, the misplaced longitudinal joint in RCCP is reflected in the PQC. The authors propose a new technique to rectify this issue, resulting in a 60% cost saving. In the next 3km length where PQC had not been laid, the misplaced longitudinal joint in RCCP was covered with 25mmx25mmx3mm diameter steel wire mesh, before laying PQC. Similarly, a treatment was applied on the settlement of slabs, and cracks on NH 48. On NH 16, an 8mm wide central longitudinal joint opened to 20-35mm width in 2013 after a few years of construction, due to the laying of subgrade on slushy sea soil. The widened joint was rectified in February 2013 by retrofitting 20mm diameter tor steel tie bars to a new joint width of 12mm. The repaired joint has performed well for the last 10 years. On NH 30, the flexural strength was verified by extracting flexural beams from existing CCP.

Mr. Ramkanwar Jain is an accomplished Civil Engineer having experience of more than 60years in design, planning,, research, construction and maintenance of civil engineering projects with special emphasis on highways. He passed BSc Engg. Civil in 1965. He has the distinction of construction of first slip form paved CCP on NH-2 in India. He has won best paper award by Indian Roads Congress twice, best concrete technologist award, Life Time Achievement award from Indian Concrete Institute, Life Time Achievement award from IRC, and Honorary membership award from ISCP at the 12th ICCP conference. Certificate from Ministry of Finance, Government of India and ADB. Best Webinar award on presentation on concrete roads from ICI Bengaluru. He has published about 30 research papers in National and International. Journals. He introduced White Topping Technology in India, bringing it from FHWA, USA in 2004.Dr. Satbir Singh Puwar is an accomplished Civil Engineer, who has completed more than 45 years of planning design and constructing civil engineering projects in different roles. He retired as an Executive Engineer from Haryana PWD B&R Branch and now working as Director (Technical) in Gawar Construction Ltd at Gurgaon an Infra Company working internationally. He completed his PhD in Road safety from the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, Ghaziabad (India) in 2023. He has published six research papers in National and International Journals. He is a fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India) and a life member of IRC, Indian Concrete Association, and member of ISCP and PIARC, etc.
Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

1:00 pm - 2:45 pm Session 14: Construction 2 HIAWATHA

Moderator: Andrea Salyer, Ohio DOT

Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavement Field Study: Connecting Mixture Volumetrics with Constructability

Jordan OuelletHiawatha

AUTHORS: Ouellet, J.; and Roesler, J.R.

ABSTRACT: To better understand the connection between roller-compacted concrete (RCC) pavement construction and theoretical mix design volumetrics, four independent RCC paving projects were visited in the USA. Plastic RCC was sampled at the paver to determine the moisture content and mixture proportions. The fresh RCC pavement was tested before and after roller compaction with a dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) and a nuclear density gauge. DCP-correlated CBR values varied from 7.3 to 20.3 and final density of 98.0 to 101.3% of the modified Proctor. The mix constituents were later mixed in the laboratory and specimens for each project were fabricated with a gyratory compactor with total volumetric energies ranging from 0.22 to 0.88 MJ/m3 at 15 minutes and 0.22 to 1.30 MJ/m3 at 45 minutes after mixing. Additional laboratory tests characterized several theoretical mix design volumetrics such as the aggregate intergranular voids (IGV), specific surface area (SSA), ratio of voids filled by paste (VFP), effective paste film thickness (EPFT), and total paste volume (TPV), and linked them to RCC constructability. All field mixtures were overfilled with VFP between 103 to 125%, derived from aggregate IGV of 16.7 to 24.9% and TPV from 19.7 to 25.6%. RCC 7-day compressive strengths obtained from molded specimens ranged from 30 to 53 MPa (7,690 psi). All projects met the contractual specifications with a broad range of material sources, equipment, and construction methods. The success in the projects were highly dependent on the compatibility with local materials, mix design proportions, and construction equipment type and process. A framework was proposed to help adjust a particular RCC mixture volumetrics to reach the constructability and sustainability goals.

Jordan Ouellet (pronounced Well-Let) is a research and teaching assistant at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign as is pursuing a PhD with Prof. Jeff Roesler. His research focusses on laboratory and field evaluation of constructability of roller-compacted concrete (RCC), as well as mix design proportioning and volumetrics.
Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Recent Advances in RCC Roadway Construction in the USA

Corey ZollingerHiawatha

AUTHOR: Zollinger, C.J.

ABSTRACT: Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) is a negative slump concrete that is placed by an asphalt paver and compacted with vibratory rollers similar to asphalt pavement construction. RCC has long history of good performance on heavy duty pavement applications such as ports, container yards, and manufacturing plants, and recently is gaining market share on roadway applications. This paper will summarize a recent survey of uses of RCC, types of paving equipment and final surface through 2021 with a focus on 2017-2021 in the United States as well as provide a few case studies on recent projects. The paper documents many of the benefits of using RCC on these types of projects such as speed of installation and traffic opening. Recent advances in mix design
with admixtures, aggregate selection, as well as utilization of trowelling for a more aesthetically pleasing finish are also documented.

Corey Zollinger, P.E. is the Director of Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions for CEMEX USA. He holds both Master and Bachelor's degrees from Texas A&M in Civil Engineering. He is currently a Chairman of the Environmental and Sustainability Committee for the Texas Aggregate and Concrete Association, Member of TRB Portland Cement Concrete Construction Committee, Executive Committee for the National Concrete Consortium, Board Member for the Texas Concrete Pavement Association as well as the Southwest Concrete Pavement Association, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the RCC Pavement Council. While he would prefer to be out riding his bike right now, giving a presentation on Concrete is ok as well.
Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Innovative Test Setup for Transforming Singular Joint Deformations into Plural Cracks in Concrete Pavements

Maximilian WeißHiawatha

AUTHORS: Breitenbücher, R.; and Weiß, M.

ABSTRACT: Deformations within jointed plain concrete pavements (JPCP) are concentrated in the joints, which are also weak-points of such pavements. To prevent pollutions in the joints and in the construction at all, they have to be sealed. However, the current sealings are not very durable and must be renewed already after a few years. For this pupose, an alternative method is currently under development. The basic idea is, to overlap the existing joints with a thin concrete with an adequate carbon reinforcement (CRC). This CRC-layer enables the formation of multiple fine cracks in a small range, where the bond between CRC and the lower concrete is interrupted. Besides an adequate limitation of the crack witdths, also – in case of expansions – a delamination must be prevented.
In order to investigate this system in large-scale tests, an innovative test setup was developed to simulate positive and negative joint deformations on specimens under practical conditions in the lab. This device allows to test the specimens under static as well as under cyclic loadings. The test setup and preliminary test results are presented.

Maximilian Weiß, M.Sc. studied Environmental Engineering and Civil Engineering at the Ruhr University Bochum from 2015 to 2021. Since March 2022, Maximilian Weiß has been employed as a research assistant at the Institute of Construction Materials at the Ruhr University Bochum. As a research assistant, he is particularly involved in the research area of carbon-reinforced concrete.
Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Leveraging State-of-the-Art Large Language Models for Accident Analysis in the Highway Construction Industry

Mason SmetanaHiawatha

AUTHORS: Smetana, M.; Sukharev, I.; Salles de Salles, L.; and Khazanovich, L.

ABSTRACT: Work zone hazards in the highway construction industry pose significant risks to worker safety, necessitating effective accident prevention measures. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Severe Injury Reports database, the highway construction industry ranks among the top 10% of contributors to all cases. However, existing research in construction safety primarily focuses on building construction, resulting in a notable gap in understanding accidents specific to highway construction, including those pertaining to concrete pavement activities. To bridge this gap, this study proposes leveraging advanced Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-3.5, to enhance data-driven accident analysis. While LLMs have demonstrated their effectiveness in various domains, their application in construction safety remains limited, with minimal exploration of their potential for analyzing textual accident data. Previous
research predominantly relies on traditional machine learning approaches for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, indicating potential to gain deeper insights and improve accident analysis in highway construction. This study aims to achieve efficient data processing, NLP understanding, and contextualized insights by utilizing publicly available databases. The use of these databases underscores the novel and convenient approach employed in this study, utilizing state-of-the-art LLMs to analyze extensive amounts of textual accident data and facilitate identifying major causes of accidents. This analysis is complemented by traditional statistical approaches, clustering algorithms, and classification techniques.

Mason Smetana graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in April 2022 with a B.S. in Civil Engineering, specializing in Structural Engineering, and gained nearly three years of experience through co-ops and internships with American Bridge Company, enhancing his skills in temporary structures, bridge erection engineering, and structural modeling using finite element programs. Now a Ph.D. student in Pavement Engineering under Dr. Lev Khazanovich at the University of Pittsburgh, his research involves applying Large Language Models (LLMs) to civil engineering tasks such as analyzing safety databases and assisting field personnel, along with investigating the integration of a crack propagation finite element model into other existing models.
Wed 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

3:15 pm - 5:00 pm Poster Session 4 CONSERVATORY

Moderator: Dorian Brawner, Kentucky DOT

Maturity-Strength Trends Observed from Carbon Dioxide Test Sections at MnROAD

Emil G. BautistaConservatory

AUTHORS: Bautista, E.; Podolsky, J.; and Izevbekhai, B.

ABSTRACT: In 2022 the construction initiative that was undertaken at MnROAD was the largest to take place since the initial construction of MnROAD in 1993 on the Mainline of I-94 WB (a 3 mile stretch of interstate), a segment of I-94 WB that runs parallel and North of the original I-94 WB built during the early 1970s. The focus of the construction initiative towards rigid pavement materials was sustainability and resiliency, i.e., reducing the carbon footprint from material use, and mix design optimization while still performing well. As part of this construction in 2022, 18 new rigid pavement test sections were built, of which 6 test sections dealt with the use of carbon dioxide for sustainable and resilient concrete pavements. This paper discusses the flexural and compressive strength-maturity trends observed in each of these 6 mixes. The general form of the Nurse-Saul equation appeared valid for the carbon dioxide injected mixtures as well as their controls. The low level of injected carbon dioxide as well as the use of inter-ground limestone may have reduced the overall effect. However, the results indicated a clustering of the various factorials of the carbon dioxide mixtures and the controls on the basis of the model constants derived from the Nurse-Saul equation. Nevertheless, maturity method was proven to be a reliable and sustainable alternative to time-consuming production and elaborate testing of cylinders and beams for compressive and flexural strength.

Dr. Emil Bautista is a Senior Engineer at the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT). Currently he is serving as one of MnROAD Project Engineers and oversees contracted research with major pavement research partnerships. Dr. Bautista provides expert knowledge on concrete and asphalt mixtures, performance testing, construction, and pavement performance. He actively contributes and supports leadership in various initiatives related to construction materials sustainability in MnDOT.
Wed 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Concrete Pavement Analysis in DOD’S JEDI-2D Framework

Anastasios M. IoannidesConservatory

AUTHORS: Ioannides, A.M.; and Tingle, J.S.

ABSTRACT: This paper outlines the concrete pavement analysis features incorporated in the Joint Evaluation and Design Integrated (JEDI) software, a framework under development for pavement design and evaluation by agencies in the US Department of Defense. It is envisaged that JEDI will employ state-of-the-art two-dimensional finite element software for responses in rigid and flexible pavements. ILLI-SLAB had been identified as a suitable candidate for rigid pavements in JEDI by an expert panel of academics and consultants convened in 2014. It was adopted by the JEDI researchers because: (a) It is in the public domain, with unrestricted access and distribution; (b) Its source code is available for checking, enhancement and tailoring; (c) One of its senior developers serves as a full-time member of the development team; (d) The software has been thoroughly debugged and its performance has been verified as practically identical with that of commercially available competitors. During this study, changes in the ILLI-SLAB code have been made to address real or perceived weaknesses, as reported in the technical literature. C-SLAB, the revised and enhanced JEDI software for concrete pavement analysis, incorporates: (i) Elimination of subroutine duplication; (ii) Extension of options available for accommodating load transfer; (iii) Verification of curling results by comparison with independent theoretical and analytical procedures. It is found that C-SLAB produces robust results in all cases of interest to DOD. Moreover, its use in the JEDI context is enhanced by the addition of a front end for data input and an output visualization tool for results interpretation.

Anastasios M. Ioannides joined the Engineer Research and Development Center of the US Army Corps of Engineers in 2020, after spending 24 years as an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Cincinnati. He obtained his Masters and doctoral degrees from the University of Illinois, and immediately he was hired on the faculty there, staying until 1994. His main interests lie in concrete pavement analysis using the finite element methods and in probabilistic approaches to pavement engineering. He has made significant contributions in the application of dimensional analysis in data interpretation, and has authored more than 100 technical publications.
Wed 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Optimizing Vibration Parameters of Thick Single-Layer Concrete Pavements: Results of the Belgian Monocrete Project

Audrey Van der WielenConservatory

AUTHORS: Van der Wielen, A.; Smets, S.; Van Hoye, T.; Hubert, J.; Courard, L.; Cerica, D.; Léonard, A.; NGanjie, J.; and Schaerlaekens, S.

ABSTRACT: Thick single-layer concrete pavements are increasingly popular in Europe because they help tackle the increasing traffic loads on highways, airport taxiways, or industrial logistic platforms. They require less maintenance than other pavement materials, have a very long service life even under heavy loads, and can withstand static loads without permanent deformation. However, the environmental impact of such pavements is significant, due to the vast quantities of cement and inert materials required for each project. The MONOCRETE research project (March 2021-March 2024), funded by the Walloon GreenWin innovation cluster, brings together industrial partners (Eloy and Holcim) as well as research institutions (BRRC, CRIC-OCCN, and ULiège) with the aim of reducing this environmental impact by incorporating recycled concrete aggregates and an alternative, low-carbon cement. In addition to issues relating to concrete sustainability, the project studies the formulation and execution of thick concrete pavements. Indeed, a greater thickness will accentuate any compaction or vibration problem associated with a poor particle size distribution. The risk of bleeding or segregation is therefore increased. These issues are being studied through a combination of literature review, laboratory testing, and the execution of two test sections, implemented in fall 2022 and spring 2023. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the initial conclusions of this recent project on the vibration of thick concrete pavements.

After obtaining a Master’s degree in civil engineering and completing a PhD thesis at the University of Liège (Belgium), Audrey Van der Wielen joined the Belgian Road Research Centre in 2014. She works there as a senior researcher and is involved in various projects in the fields of geotechnics, concrete, road design and non-destructive auscultation.
Wed 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Future Climatic Temperature Change Effects and Environmental Considerations for South African Concrete Pavements

Refiloe MokoenaConservatory

AUTHORS: Mokoena, R.; and Mturi, G.

ABSTRACT: This study is focused on identifying key climatic variables and considerations for the design of concrete pavements to cater for changing climatic conditions. To mitigate the effects of thermal distresses, such as cracking and curling of concrete pavements, pavement engineers consider factors such as reinforcement detailing, joint location and spacing. Typically, pavement design approaches consider historical temperature records in estimating the daily variation in air temperature over the service life of concrete pavements. Current practice does not incorporate future climate projections and urban heat island (UHI) effects that can affect both the safety and serviceability of concrete pavement infrastructure. Therefore, this article discusses the need to investigate concrete pavement deterioration in relation to projected global warming effects for South Africa. To demonstrate this, a discussion of micro- and meso-structural effects is presented. Furthermore, a simulation is included that uses future climate projections to estimate the change in maximum diurnal temperature range (DTR) and annual rainfall for the duration of a Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement's service life in Pretoria, South Africa. To ensure the construction of climate resilient concrete pavements that can withstand expected service conditions of projected environmental conditions, this future-based climatic input will need incorporation into performance-based tests and specifications.

Refiloe is a researcher in the Pavement Design and Construction research group at the CSIR. She holds a Master in Engineering degree from the University of the Witwatersrand and her primary research focus area is sustainable road infrastructure practices particularly climate adaptation for South African roads.
Wed 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Crack Survey on a Field Test of Continuously-Reinforced-Concrete Pavement (CRCP) Using Prefabricated Steel-Bar Mesh-Panels

Isamu YoshitakeConservatory

AUTHORS: Yoshitake, I.; Katayama, N.; Fujisaki, K.; Mure, T.; and Tokimasa, U.

ABSTRACT: This study proposes a rational CRCP construction system using prefabricated steel mesh panels and high early-strength concrete. The greatest concern in CRCP is the possibility of excessive cracking, which can cause steel corrosion. The yielding of steel bars may occur during excessive cracking owing to the volume change of the concrete at an early age. The constructability and cracking properties of the CRCP should be examined in advance. In this study, a field test of CRCP (110 m long × 11.5 m wide) was conducted to examine the constructability and observe concrete cracking. This paper presents CRCP construction using prefabricated steel mesh panels and high-early strength concrete and reports concrete cracking and steel strain observed from field tests.

Dr. Yoshitake is a Professor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and is the Chief-director of Education and Research Center for Infrastructure Management of Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan. He received his B.Eng. (1996), M.Eng. (1998), and D.Eng. (2000) degrees from Yamaguchi University. His research interests include durability of concrete, reinforced & prestressed concrete structures, and advanced strengthening materials such as FRP. He is a member of American Concrete Institute (ACI), International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC), Japan Concrete Institute (JCI), Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), and Japan Society of Material Science (JSMS). Prof. Yoshitake has been the vice-president of Bridge Engineering Institute (BEI) since 2018, and a council member of IIFC since 2018. In addition, prof. Yoshitake is the vice-president of Clinical Institute for Tunnels & Tunneling (CITT) in Japan.
Wed 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

The Effectiveness and Efficiency of Implementing Fast Set Concrete in Reparation and Reinstatement of Concrete Pavements

Teoh Sze TeanConservatory

AUTHORS: Tean, T. S.; and Wong, Z.D.

ABSTRACT: The project management triangle comprises three crucial components: time, cost, and quality, all of which must be carefully balanced by stakeholders in construction projects. In operational domains such as airports, ports, bus depots, and cargo areas, time assumes paramount importance due to the imperative of minimizing construction downtime. This research endeavors to evaluate the advantages of employing fast-set concrete in repair and reinstatement endeavors, focusing on time, cost, and quality considerations. The study utilizes rapid-setting patch cement to produce fast-set concrete, a technology traditionally limited to thicknesses of up to 75mm. Through the dedicated efforts of our research engineers and collaboration with suppliers, a breakthrough was achieved by optimizing the design mix, allowing fast-set concrete to maintain optimal performance at thicknesses of up to 400mm. This modified design mix was successfully employed in fast-set concrete projects at Singapore Changi Airport, resulting in the project's completion with minimal disruption to airport operations. In terms of quality and time, fast-set concrete demonstrates the capability to attain an initial compressive strength exceeding 40MPa within 3 hours, with strength gradually increasing over time. Reconstruction activities were strategically scheduled during off-peak hours or midnight closures, ensuring uninterrupted Changi Airport operations. Despite the relatively higher material costs associated with fast-set concrete compared to conventional concretes, the overall construction expenditure is lower due to the elimination of downtime and disruptions in operational areas.

Teoh Sze Tean a Managing Director of ECO2 BUILDER PTE LTD, is a Pavement engineering Company for Airport Project.
Wed 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Performance-Based Testing of New Cements for Concrete Pavements

Bohuslav SlánskýConservatory

AUTHORS: Slansky, B.; Vyslouzil, L.; Hela, R.; Smilauer, V.; and Hlavaty, J.

ABSTRACT: During the last years, reduction of the clinker factor led to various blended cements used in pavement construction. The experimental campaign covered nine cements, taking into account special coarsely-ground Portland cement and various GGBFS- and limestoneblended cements. Crack resistance during restrained drying was found as the most influential factor, related to volume deformations caused by chemical and drying shrinkage. Cements with slow hydration kinetics performed the best in the ring shrinkage test, four of them were classified as crack-resistant. Crack-resistant cement also demonstrated low free drying shrinkage on prisms 30×30×500 mm. Three cements out of four selected passed tests for frost concrete resistance with defrosting chemicals, disqualifying cement with 14% ground limestone. At the end, three cements passed all the requirements, particularly CEM I 42.5 R (Blaine 263 m2/kg), CEM II/A-S 42.5 N (Blaine 343 m2/kg) and CEM II/B-S 32.5 R (Blaine 331 m2/kg), representing cements with slower strength gain.

Wed 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

3:15 pm - 5:00 pm Session 15: Materials GREAT NORTHERN

Moderator: Mike Nelson, Indiana DOT

Compactability of Fiber-Reinforced Roller-Compacted Concrete

Jesús Castro PérezGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Castro Pérez, J.R., Ouellet, J , Sakulneya, A.; and Roesler, J.R.

ABSTRACT: Roller-compacted concrete’s (RCC) lower paste content compared to conventional concrete and requires added compaction energy to meet density and strength targets. Certain types of macrofibers have been shown to improve the flexural capacity of RCC pavements, but there is a discrepancy in whether macrofibers positively or negatively affect RCC compactability. The primary objective of this study was to determine the impact of three fiber types on the compactability of RCC as well as their effect on green properties (strength and modulus) and compressive strength at two delay times. A laboratory gyratory compactor quantified the required compaction energy to fabricate RCC specimens at target densities for delay times ranging from 13 to 88 minutes. Macrofibers increased the compactive energy necessary to reach final density by up to 60%, depending on dosage and fiber type. The addition of microfibers did not significantly influence compactability. The polymeric macrofibers increased the hardened compressive strength by 6%, which was consistent with a previous study, but this increase was a result of added compaction energy from the vibratory compaction method. The green strength of all plastic RCC specimens ranged from 0.20 to 0.44 MPa at no compaction delay and were mostly improved for RCC mixtures with polymeric macrofibers relative to the RCC reference mix. Overall, the addition of macrofibers didn’t lead to better RCC compactability, but polymeric macrofibers provide some benefit in improved green properties and hardened compressive strength as a result of higher compaction effort.

Jesús Castro is a Ph.D. Candidate and Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, specializing in enhancing concrete pavement performance through innovative materials and testing systems. He has diverse experience as a teaching assistant at UTEP, an independent consultant, and an engineering intern at WJE. He is a member of the Committee on Concrete Pavement Construction and Rehabilitation (AKC50) at TRB and has been recognized with the American Concrete Institute’s Construction Materials Fellowship. He has a deep interest in nondestructive Testing, forensic structural engineering, and deterioration mechanisms in concrete structures.
Wed 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Concrete Thermal And Optical Property Sensitivities to Mixture Proportions

Jeffery RoeslerGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Sen, S., Fernandez, J.; P., and Roesler, J.R.

ABSTRACT: The thermal (thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and thermal diffusivity) and optical (albedo and emissivity) properties of concrete determine its temperature, which has important applications in pavement design, mass concreting, and Urban Heat Islands. For a given set of constituent materials, these properties depend on the concrete mixture proportions. To study this dependence, a rotatable central composite experimental design was developed, which accounts for linear, quadratic, and interaction relationships between dependent and independent variables. Four mix proportions were used as predictive variables: the volume fraction of paste (VP), the volumetric ratio of fine to coarse aggregates (F/C), fly ash to cementitious materials ratio (FA/CM), and water to cementitious materials ratio (W/CM). Based on the experimental design, 25 samples were cast and their thermal and optical properties measured. The R2 for the relationships obtained from the model ranged from 0.44 to 0.79, with the error being generally less than 10%. All the properties were sensitive to VP, and most were also sensitive to FA/CM and W/CM ratios. Most of the properties also showed sensitivity to the interaction between a subset of the mix proportions in addition to the direct linear relationships.

Dr. Jeffery Roesler holds the Ernest J Barenberg Professorship in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He has been conducting research on a variety of concrete material and pavement topics for the past 25 years. His recent research interest involves roller compacted concrete pavement volumetrics, fiber reinforced concrete, micro-scale urban heat island and cool surfaces, passive material sensing for vehicle lateral positioning and construction work zones, 3D concrete printing for residential construction, and non-contact ultrasonic sensing system for construction monitoring. He has authored/ co-authored more than 275 publications. He is a registered professional engineer in the California and active participant in TRB, ACI, and is Past President of the International Society of Concrete Pavements.
Wed 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Evaluation of the Suitability for Use of Ternary Cements with Carbonate Fillers Or Calcined Clays: Concrete Compositions Subjected to De-Icing Salts

Elia BoonenGreat Northern

AUTHORS: Smets, S.; Boonen, E.; Mosselmans, G.; and Piérard, J.

ABSTRACT: The Belgian collective research centers for the cement industry (CRIC-OCCN) and the construction sector (BRRC and Buildwise) have been evaluating the suitability for use of new ternary cements since 2020 in the pre-standardization project ‘NEOCEM’. The project focusses on CEM II/C-M (K-S-L) and CEM VI (K-S-L) cements as defined in EN 197-5:2021 with up to 20 wt.% of limestone or dolomite filler and aims to incorporate these cements in the Belgian national annex NBN B15-001 to the European standard EN 206. Complementary to carbonate fillers, calcined clays have also been investigated as supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in CEM II/B, CEM II/C-M and CEM V. An elaborated test program was carried out to evaluate the cement and concrete mixtures properties. In this paper, we will focus on the results obtained with concrete compositions that meet the requirements for the EE4 environment class, implying the resistance against freeze-thaw attack in the presence of de-icing salts. The results obtained on fresh and hardened concrete will be discussed and compared to assess the technical feasibility (use of admixtures, mix design, …) and the durability of these concrete with a view of possible application in the road construction sector. The results of the NEOCEM project showed that the use of new cement types containing alternative SCMs seems potentially feasible. Further tests on actual road concrete compositions should be carried out to validate their suitability for road concrete under varying traffic loads. The use of alternative cements containing calcined clay required the use of a specific superplasticizer, the effect of which on the air void content needs to be further investigated.

Elia Boonen is Ph.D. graduate, he has been working since 15 years at the Belgian Road Research Center. He is now Deputy Head of the Department "Concrete paving" and Senior Researcher at BRRC.
Wed 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) for Asphalt Rehabilitation – Feasibility Stage with Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling

TBDGreat Northern

AUTHORS: NguyenDinh, N., Dao, D.T., Trucy, L.; and Eugen, F.

ABSTRACT: The rehabilitation of existing flexible pavements has become increasingly frequent and costly due to the exponential growth in traffic and fluctuations in bitumen prices. When addressing damaged asphalt pavement, the usual solution is to consider rigid overlay options. One promising choice for overlaying asphalt pavements is the ultra-thin application of a strain-hardening cement-based composite known as Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC). This material exhibits remarkable durability and is wellsuited for asphalt pavement overlays. The high ductility of ECC, which enhances its flexibility and strength, not only significantly improves durability but also has the potential to eliminate the need for dummy joints in traditional concrete overlay pavements. In the initial phase of our project, we conducted parameter studies of ECC bonded on top of asphalt pavement using nonlinear Finite Element Modeling and estimate the pavement's service life. The modeling results indicate that using ECC as an overlay on asphalt pavement can significantly extend the pavement's service life. However, the bond between the ECC layer and the existing pavement is crucial in ensuring pavement durability. If debonding occurs, it can reduce the pavement's lifespan by more than 2.5 times. Additionally, the longevity of the pavement is greatly influenced by the condition of the existing asphalt and the thickness of the ECC layer.

Wed 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

3:15 pm - 5:00 pm Session 16: Durability HIAWATHA

Moderator: John Arambarri, Idaho DOT

Improving Resistance to Damage from Freeze–Thaw of High-Early-Strength Concrete Mixtures Through the Application of AASHTO R 101 Concepts

Michelle CooperHiawatha

AUTHORS: Montanari, L.; Cooper, M.A.; and Juenger, M.

ABSTRACT: High-early-strength (HES) concrete mixtures are widely used for partial- and full-depth repairs of concrete pavements. HES concrete mixtures are typically required to meet pavement reopening strengths in times ranging from 6 to 24 hours from the time of the original mixing. To achieve such high-early-age strengths, HES mixtures are designed with very high cement contents, high accelerator and water reducer dosages, and low to very low water-to-cementitious-materials ratios. These required design choices have sometimes led to poor long-term durability of the repaired sections, causing premature failures and forcing new repair operations on the same pavement sections. One of the leading causes of premature failures reported in the available literature is HES mixtures’ poor freeze–thaw performance, which is often caused by faulty air systems, susceptibility to deicer-related damage, and high fluid penetrability, which can characterize HES mixtures. This study offers insights into how to qualify and potentially improve the long-term freeze–thaw damage resistance of HES mixtures by implementing concepts obtained from performance-engineered-mixtures document AASHTO R 101. The results indicate that the inclusion of supplementary cementitious materials can improve an HES mixture’s resistance to freeze–thaw while still ensuring adequate early-age mechanical performance.

Michelle Cooper is the Concrete Materials Laboratory Manager at Federal Highway Administration's Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center. In her spare time, she is working on a PhD in concrete sustainability through Michigan Tech. Michelle is conducting research in the areas of concrete sustainability, concrete durability, and cement materials characterizations.
Wed 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Analytical Study on Durability of Continuous Reinforced Concrete Pavement Mixing Various Admixtures

He ZongyaoHiawatha

AUTHORS: He, Z.H.; Maeshima, T.M.; and Iwaki, I.I.

ABSTRACT: It is reported from Japan that in snowy and cold regions, continuous reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP) would suffer severe corrosion of their internal steel less than 10 years in service, due to the spray of anti-freezing agents. In order to boost the durability of CRCP in such regions, it is necessary to suppress materials' deterioration by mixing fly ash (FA) or blast furnace cement (BB) and diminish cracks' width appropriately by a powder expansion material (Ex) that can compensate the shrinkage strain of concrete. This study constructed a kind of full-scale CRCP with various admixtures in the campus of College of Engineering, Nihon University (Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan). After concrete was placed, the temperature and strain behavior of CRCP slabs were monitored continuously. Then, the crack risk of the pavement slabs was evaluated analytically with an FEM analysis based on the input values. Ordinary cement was used in the first condition (N), while the other two conditions adopted FA and BB separately, with 20 kg/m3 of Ex added in the formula with FA/BB. It is found that the shrinkage of FA and BB that were mixed with Ex is clearly smaller than that of N, indicating that mixing with Ex can reduce the tensile stress of CRCP slabs and suppress the crack risk duo to early expansion. In addition, the full-scale CRCP’s FEM model was constructed to precisely predict the temperature and strain behavior of CRCP slab. This model can be used to quantitatively evaluate the crack risk in CRCP with various types of admixtures.

He Zongyao is doing a Ph.D in college of Engineering, NIHON University. His research focuses specifically on crack index prediction of concrete pavement based on pavement structure and environment condition. His further research will focus on the development of high durable concrete pavement.
Wed 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Concrete Formation Factor: Experimental and Modeling Methods

Jussara TanesiHiawatha

AUTHORS: Tanesi, J.; Montanari, L.; Carino, N.; and Cooper, M.

ABSTRACT: AASHTO R 101 includes formation factor (FF) as one of the main properties related to concrete mixtures’ fluid and ionic transport properties for corrosion and freeze–thaw service life modeling. However, FF determination requires knowledge of the concrete pore solution’s electrical resistivity, which is complex to measure directly. Hence, an alternative, indirect method, described in ASTM C1876 and AASHTO T 402, has been proposed to estimate pore solution electrical resistivity. The method involves immersing concrete specimens in an alkali-concentrated conditioning solution of known resistivity for a minimum of 7 days. At the end of the conditioning period, the standards assume equilibrium between the pore solution and the conditioning solution. Concerns within the industry regarding the ASTM and AASHTO approaches have included (1) how realistic the assumed equilibrium is between the pore solution and conditioning solution, (2) how the assumed equilibrium can affect the FF estimation, (3) the optimal time needed for equilibrium, and (4) handling and disposing of the caustic conditioning solution. This study examines various methods for assessing the FF of concrete mixtures by combining different conditioning techniques with pore solution modeling. Results show that sealed curing resistivity combined with pore solution modeling decreased the average error on the FF estimation by up to 65% compared with results of the current ASTM and AASHTO methods.

Jussara Tanesi is a principal engineer at American Engineering Testing (AET). She has over 25 years of experience in testing development, and research on concrete durability, and concrete evaluation. She is actively involved in ASTM and TRB committees and AASHTO sub-committee on materials. She is the current chair of ASTM C09.66 Concrete’s resistance to fluid penetration.
Wed 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Performance Engineered Mixtures (PEM) Approach for Improved Concrete Durability And Sustainability - Case Studies

Jagan GudimettlaHiawatha

AUTHORS: Gudimettla, J.; Praul, M.; Cavalline, T.; and Grove, J.

ABSTRACT: The Performance Engineered Concrete Paving Mixtures Transportation Pooled fund (TPF-5(368)) has introduced state highway agencies to new and improved tests and technologies that measure engineering properties that evaluate a pavement’s potential long term field performance. This significant advancement in testing technologies has allowed for a shift away from prescriptive requirements like slump and total air content, toward performance-related criteria that are better indicators of durability, such as transport properties, shrinkage, and freeze-thaw resistance. This paper presents case studies from four paving projects constructed in four states (Oklahoma, Iowa, New York, Minnesota) where the PEM concepts were used to optimize concrete mixture proportions. In each of these projects, a section was constructed using the state’s standard or traditional mixtures and another section using an optimized mixture from the same / similar materials. The traditional mixtures were optimized primarily by adjusting the combined aggregate gradation allowing reduction in the binder content. The nature of these projects allowed for direct one to one comparison of the two sets of mixtures. In all four cases, it was found that the optimized mixtures were equal or better in terms of strength, durability characteristics (surface resistivity), constructability (based on feedback from contractor) and ride numbers (IRI) compared to the traditional mixtures where data were available. These case studies clearly demonstrate that simple changes to mixture designs using the PEM concepts can help achieve more durable, sustainable, and economical concrete.

Jagan Gudimettla, PE, is the Project Manager for the FHWA’s Mobile Concrete Technology Center (MCTC). He has been working as a consultant for the FHWA since 2003. Work has taken him to all 50 states where he worked with agencies, industry, and academia in implementing new technologies and best practices in the pavement materials and construction arena. His areas of interest include quality assurance, advanced material testing, non-destructive testing and pavement design. Jagan’s current focus is the implementation of the FHWA’s Performance Engineered Mixture (PEM) Initiative. Jagan earned his Master’s Degrees in Pavements / Materials from Auburn University and is a Registered Professional Engineer in Virginia, Maryland and California. He is the current chair of the TRB’s Concrete Pavement Construction and Rehabilitation Committee, AKC50.
Wed 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm